Wednesday, January 30, 2019

One Day

More than I could hope or dream of
You have poured Your favor on me
One day in the house of God is
Better than a thousand days in the world
So blessed, I can't contain it
So much, I've got to give it away
Your love taught me to live now
You are more than enough for me
More than I could hope or dream of
You have poured Your favor on me
One day in the house of God is
Better than a thousand days in the world
I'm so blessed, I can't contain it
So much, I've got to give it away
Your love taught me to live now
You are more than enough
So blessed, I can't contain it
So much, I've got to give it away
Your love taught me to live now
You are more than enough for me
Lord, You're more than enough for me
Lord, You're more than enough for me
Lord, You're

Monday, January 28, 2019

I’ll Never Love This Way Again Dionne Warwick

You looked inside my fantasies and made each one come true
Something no one else had ever found a way to do
I've kept the memories one by one, since you took me in
I know I'll never love this way again
I know I'll never love this way again
So I keep holdin' on before the good is gone
I know I'll never love this way again
Hold on, hold on, hold on
A fool will lose tomorrow reaching back for yesterday
I won't turn my head in sorrow if you should go away
I'll stand here and remember just how good it's been
And I know I'll never love this way again
I know I'll never love this way again
So I keep holdin' on before the good is gone
I know I'll never love this way again
Hold on,

"I Just Fall In Love Again" Lyrics Carpenters (Anne Murray)

Dreamin', I must be dreamin' Or am I really lyin' here with you Baby, you take me in your arms And though I'm wide awake I know my dream is comin' true And oh, I just fall in love again Just one touch and then it happens every time And there I go, I just fall in love again And when I do Can't help myself I fall in love with you Magic, it must be magic The way I hold you and the night just seems to fly Easy for you to take me to a star

Heaven is that moment when I look into your eyes And oh, I just fall in love again Just one touch and then it happens every time And there I go, I just fall in love again And when I do Can't help myself I fall in love with you And oh, I just fall in love again Just one touch and then it happens every time And there I go, I just fall in love again And when I do Can't help myself I fall in love with you Can't help myself I fall in love with you

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Job 1:21

"Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord praised."

Your true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the...

God own everything

Psalm 24:1

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it."

Bakit ko ba isinulat ang book na ito?

So that may maiiwan akong legacy at the same time makatulong sa ating kapwa para maimproved and buhay nila.

Friday, January 25, 2019

First step.

Many of you may already have known, I’m leaving xxxxxx after x years and x months.  It had been a challenging but wonderful experience working with all of you.  As I move forward, my first step is to thank you all for the dedication, professionalism, hard work, teamwork, respect, and friendship that we shared.  I’m forever grateful to xxx.  Keep winning xxxx.

See you somewhere, sometime.…

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Luke 3:11

Luke 3:11 

11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”


Truly, it is in the family where the child learns to be respectful and grateful. It is there that he learns to say "please", "sorry", "excuse me" and "thank you."

Monday, January 21, 2019


Lesson #2 of 4:

How to Systematically Fix Your Organization's Problems & Wastes And Impress Your Boss at the Same Time...

In Lesson #1, you learned the 8 Wastes every multi-million company produces.

You also learned how to identify and fix them.

Now, it's time to present it to your boss.

But you can't just say...

"Boss, let's fix this so we can save 6-figures per month"

You need to have a concrete plan. A strategy. A game plan for fixing the problem.

Don't get me wrong.

Your boss will hear you out. But he will take you MORE SERIOUSLY if you actually took the time to map out a way to fix it.

Not only will he be impressed, you'll also show you have...

(1) Initiative
(2) Intelligence and
(3) Leadership

These are all UNFORGETTABLE qualities in an employee that will make you stand out and remembered. 

But again...

You MUST KNOW how to fix problems. Not just identify, whine, and complain about them.

Today, that's what you'll learn.

You'll learn how Lean Six Sigma Black Belts SWIFTLY and SYSTEMATICALLY solve problems and wastes in an organization.

Let me introduce to you...

The 5S Organization Technique

5S stands for Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.

Here's a quick break down of each S:

1. Sort
You need to remove unnecessary items in your workplace. While doing so, you'll need to identify the necessary items and keep.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, because it is.

How do you apply this when solving problems?
Here's a simple way:

First, perform a "red" tag event. This is where you tag items you deem unnecessary in the workplace.

Second, you and your colleagues have a discussion which to discard, store, keep, etc.

Third, prevent the possibility of unwanted items from accumulating again. Tops of cabinets, support equipment, and machines tend to collect stuff.

Step 1: Tag processes you think are unnecessary
Step 2: Discuss with other stakeholders which to discard, store, keep, etc.
Step 3: Find a way to prevent it from happening again

Let's move on to...

2. Straighten

This is where you arrange and set items in a way that minimizes waste. You also do this so necessary items/process/people are easily accessible.

For example, items that aren't used as much can be place further away. Meanwhile, frequently used items can be place nearer to workers.

You can do this by putting everything they need at their floor --- like a comfort room, standard operating procedures, visual aids on machines, vending machine, etc.

You can do this in offices, warehouses, assembly lines, etc.

Another example is keeping talented personnel at their workstation at all times. People who need to communicate directly on a daily basis should also be co-located.

The beauty of this is you can easily locate resources, processes, or people easily.

And when there's something "off", you can immediately recognize it.

3. Shine
In this step, you focus on tidiness and cleanliness at the workplace.

You ensure the equipment and tools you use are tidy and readily available for other staff members.

This is where you find the root cause of contamination...

...and also ways find ways to prevent it.

If you're working in IT, this means you need to delete all irrelevant files and folders to clean the file system.

If you're working at a hospital, this means prepping fresh new sheets for the next shift.

Most times, this is not addressed in the workplace.

People take more time preparing for work because their computer is so slow or they have to look for their materials before they can finally start work.

Imagine if these prepping tasks take 30 minutes per day. Then you lose 30 x 5 = 150 minutes or 2.5 hours per week!

4. Standardize

This is where you create visual controls and guidelines to keep the workplace organized.

You need to create documents or checklists that everyone should adhere to.

You need to establish routines, create procedures, and regularly evaluate the status of the first three S's.

This is also where you follow-through with top management and the workforce. You explain why each standard so everyone is on the same page.

Now, this is where you need good leadership. You will get backlash because standardizing will make the workplace a bit strict.

So be professional when you criticize. And always praise good practices and good action takers.

5. Sustain
If you do all 4 S's right, there will be positive physical changes. Changes that your co-workers, boss, and top management will instantly recognize.


You must keep the momentum going. Or else, everything you've worked for will be in vain.

That's why you must have countermeasures designed.

What if Sort doesn't work? What do you do? Who do you turn to?

What if no one is following a checklist? What do you do?

Or you made a mistake and eliminated the wrong process/step/process? How do you "undo" it?

Well, the answer is simple, yet difficult to implement.

You need to delegate. You need to assign talented people to lead when you're not there.

They have the responsibility and accountability of a specific area.

So when it does or doesn't work out, you'll have a detailed report of what happened.

If you masterfully implement all these...

You Will Create a New Company Culture

A culture where employees have high morale because they are efficient and excellent at what they do.

There will be continuous improvement, better quality of product/service, and less waste overall.

That's what you can do by simply implementing the 5S Organization Technique....
Does this seem overwhelming?

Don't worry.

It's not.

Let me give you an example...

Let's say you want to lessen the defects that your organization produces...
Step 1: Sort - Try to find what's causing the defect. Tag the equipment/tools/steps/process you believe are causing the problem.

Step 2: Straighten - Eliminate the unnecessary equipment/tools/steps/process.

Step 3: Shine - Keep the assembly line and equipment clean. Contamination can also lead to defects

Step 4: Standardize - Create a new standard based on steps 1, 2, and 3

Step 5: Sustain - Make new practices, develop a new discipline, and continue the momentum.

Simple, right?

Of course, you have to be more specific than what I did. You need to give him an overview of what you can. But be prepared if he asks further.

So again, Lesson #1 is find a waste you can fix. Lesson #2 is use the 5S organization technique to systematically fix the waste.

Now, show this to your boss and see what he thinks.

Definitely, you’ll be able to prevent defects, incidents and accidents, work faster because everything has its own place, and easily spot abnormality.

But what if you have more serious problems? 
(X) Like a defect or a customer complaint that keeps on recurring?
(X) And your company has been losing money from mitigating it day in day out?
(X) You implemented actions to address it but then it keeps on recurring?
(X) Customers are unhappy and they have threatened to pull out?
(X) Meanwhile, your team, your organization is tired, stressed out and morale is so low.
If you're working for a small organization, applying the 5S Organization Technique will be a breeze. Most likely, your problems are contained and simpler. And when it happens the impact in terms of monetary value is not as severe compared to multi-million companies.

But what if you're working for a big, multi-million organization?

Will The 5S Organization Technique Still work?

Unfortunately, no. 


Well, imagine a company making millions of products...and then one of their machines made a defect?

The defect won't just be dozens. It will be in the hundreds or thousands.

You simply can't use the 5S Organization Technique to solve that.

You need something more robust...

You Need the DMAIC Methodology... 

That's what I'll teach you in Lesson #3. And this time? It won't be just text.

I've prepared a video lesson for you so I can give you a more detailed walk-through on EXACTLY what to do.

But for now, can you let me know what you think of the 5S Organization Technique?

Do you think you can do this?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

To Getting That Raise,
Frances Garcia


Lesson #1 of 4:

The Fastest Way to Stand Out from Your Peers, Colleagues, and Competition in the Office...

For more than 10 years, I’ve been on both sides of the desk.
1. I've been the boss who decided which ones to promote and overlook.
2. I've also been the mentor who taught employees how to get a raise. If they didn't get the raise, I helped them get a 6-figure salary somewhere else.
That’s why I can EASILY spot if an employee deserves a raise or not. I evaluate employees in an objective, pros-and-cons way. Fortunately for you, that’s also how most boss evaluate their employees.
So why am I saying this?
Well, in this mini-training series, that’s what I want to show you. In the next few days, you’ll learn how to become an employee that deserves a raise.
But this will only work if you take action and apply everything I will teach.
Does that sound good to you?
If it is, then great!
Before anything else, let’s get ONE THING straight.
Bosses who financially reward employees have one thing in common: they’re perceived as experts who solve problems.
Let me be clear...
There are two parts to this. They’re *perceived* as experts. Most of them aren’t necessarily experts. The second part is that they are problem-solvers.
When a problem comes, they don’t go to their boss or superiors. They will try to solve the problems themselves.
Now, you might be thinking…

“But Frances? My company has no problems...”

Yes, they do.
They are just hidden. You need to find what these problems are and be the first one to solve them. ðŸ™‚
In this first lesson, that’s EXACTLY what you’ll do.
You’ll learn how to spot the hidden problems in the company, solve it systematically, and show your accomplishments to your boss.
Normally, that would be a tedious process. But thanks to Lean Six Sigma, we have a way to spot the problems and hastily solve them.
So the first concept you need to grasp is there are...

8 Process Obstacles Multi-Million Companies Face Every Single Day

Waste #1 - Defects
This is when products or services did not meet the standards or quality the customer/client expects. If you’ve been in production a long time, you’ll know what this is.
Even you, as a consumer, has experienced buying defective products and defective services.
Now, this is the most obvious waste out of the 8. This is something top management will try to fix right away.
Well, it’s because defects bring BAD reputation to a company. Not only that, but it increases dissatisfaction among current and prospective customers/clients.
But what they don’t see (AKA the hidden problem) are the long production times.
When a defect is detected (or reported), the company will need to find the root cause, rework it, and fix it so it won’t happen again.
That’s where you swoop in.
If you can eliminate a step or two in that process, you’ll immediately save your company time and money. Since 1 or 2 steps are eliminated, the customer gets the product back faster.
Now, that won’t make a difference if your company is handling 1 to 2 defects a month. But if you’re working for a large company? And they get 100 to 200 defects per month? You’ll save them time, money and rescue their reputation at the same time.
You were able to do that simply because you addressed the hidden problem they didn’t.
Now, on to the next…
Waste #2: Overproduction
Overproduction happens when the company’s production targets have been met and goals accomplished, the process is allowed to continue.
They seek comfort in stockpiling finished products.  They think of them as buffer for unexpected customer demands or production interruptions.  
So what happens?
The company manufactures excess products. These excess are no longer “fresh” and are more prone to defects. So overtime, they become liabilities than assets. Not only that, overproduction will incur other costs --- like aging inventory, investment with no return, space, and other costs incurred in making those buffer.
What executives of some companies don’t realize is that to be more cost-effective, they need to reduce if not eliminate the causes of production stoppages instead of building buffer stocks.
How do you address this?
Conduct root cause analysis (AKA Lean Six Sigma approach -we’ll study this next week)  to stop production stops and improve machine availability and performance.
Reduce cycle time so it’s easier for you to spot problems and address them .  Gather and analyze data on order, demand trends and inventory to enable you make production schedule decisions.  
Now, let’s go to...
Waste #3: Unnecessary Transportation
This happens because of poor production design. Processing is done by different departments rather than within one cell environment.
People within the company make unnecessary movements within the facility to accomplish one simple task.
This is a hidden problem not every company addresses. Even the Philippine government has this problem.
Remember when you got your first job? You needed to get different documents from different departments. You needed to go from one office to another.
If there was only one place where you get all those documents, you will save time (traveling) and money (fare).
The same is true with multi-million companies.
You can easily solve this problem by doing what the DFA did. All the departments an OFW needs to go to are within walking distance of the DFA office.
Waste #4: Waiting
This happens when a machine or employee stopped working in an assembly line.
For example, “Employee A” leaves their workstation to buy more ballpens, papers, and other office materials for the company. Yet, “Employee B” is waiting to receive a document from “Employee A.”
The process is stalled. The waiting time increased. And time wasted does not add profit to the company. In fact, it costs the organization money.
So how do you solve it?
There’s an elegant solution to this. It's called the "5S Organization Technique". More on that later…
For now, let’s move on to the next...
Waste #5: Inventory
Inventory becomes a waste when Capital is needlessly tied up in raw, work-in-process, as well as finished products you can’t sell yet.
The organization should only produce what it is able to sell according to current customer demand.
You need to know when to replenish the inventory. And when to leave it as it is. Or else, the organization will end up with excess products NO ONE wants.
A good example are Coffee Shops. Some grind 400-cups-worth of coffee beans on Monday. Only 200 cups were sold. So what happens to the other 200 cups?
They either sell the 1-day-old coffee on Tuesday (which no one will want) or grind fresh ones (throwing away the 200-cups-worth of coffee).
Imagine how much savings you can make for your company if you can recognize and address wastes on inventory.
Waste #6: Motion
This is when employees, machines and raw materials waste time moving pointlessly from place to place.
You can use spaghetti charts ( or simply use a diagram that traces the movements in while performing tasks)  to study movements in a workplace.
Imagine a plate of spaghetti.  The noodles represent your movements (overlapping and criss-crossing aimlessly) from one space to another.   The more spaghetti looking your diagram is, the more wasteful the process in terms of motion.
You can actually measure the total distance travelled and time while just simply preparing a cup of coffee for a customer. (Think how should be the lay-out for a coffee store like Starbucks to allow faster  delivery of that cup of coffee.)
You can solve this by creating ergonomic spaces...
What’s the optimum lay-out? Maybe you need to rearrange, merge substeps and even eliminate steps to make it more efficient without compromising quality and customer satisfaction. 
Not many companies know they’re wasting time moving pointlessly.  Imagine how much time they’ll save if they re-layout their workspace to reduce motion.
Now, let’s move on to the last two:
Waste #7: Over-processing
Over-processsing is adding more value to a product or service more than what the customer requires.  The entire process uses up more time and tools than actually needed for the desired result.
This means you’re spending money more than what your customer is willing to pay for.
Overprocessing forces employees to spend time performing extra work rather than producing new products. This, in turn, costs organizations more money than they actually make.
Examples are multiple fields in an application form that require the same information and too many approval points for a simple process change. This uses up time unnecessarily and therefore, wastes your time and your customer’s time.
Here’s how to fix this: 
Step 1: Identify what's causing the over-processing 
Step 2: Standardize
Step 3: Sustain and review
Finally, we go to the 8th waste…
Waste #8: Non-utilized talent
This is when employees are not effectively engaged in the business.  Their talents and skills are overlooked, not tapped and developed.
The organization only relies on “experts” to solve problems and come up with ideas. They don’t make employees feel like their suggestions for improvements matters.
When the “experts” make decisions, the implementation and execution is slow.
As a result, the organization will fail to make improvements at a good pace. Thus, the competition --- with highly-engaged and motivated employees --- will slowly move ahead of you. They will win business simply because they have better services than you...
If you feel like this is your organization, here are a few ways you can fix this:
  1. Encourage people take ownership of their work
  2. Provide continuous training so employees will strive for perfection and continuous improvement
  3. Allow employees to provide input so they will have a sense of pride and involvement in the company
How to Use the “8 Wastes” to Stand Out from the Crowd
Step #1: Find the obvious and hidden wastes
Step #2: Determine if you can solve it right away by your own
Step #3: Tell your boss
Step #4: Execute your plans
Step #5: Observe, optimize and report results
The biggest challenge now here is...
How do you tell your boss?
You can’t just say:
“We need to remove defects from this organization”
"We need budget for training because we're not utilizing our talent.”
Before you tell your boss…
You need a plan. You need a strategy. You need show him a systematic way of eliminating the waste.
That’s where the 
"5S Organization Technique" comes in.  
This is a simple, intuitive and easy to apply technique to eliminate wastes. So simple you can even use this in your own home.
And that’s what you’ll learn in training #2...which I’ll publish this week.
You'll learn how to use the 5S technique to eliminate wastes so you stand out from the crowd.  .  
But before I end, let me ask you:
“What do you think is the #1 waste you can eliminate in your organization right now?”
Comment your answers below. Would love to hear your thoughts and insights. 
PLUS, If you know the answer to this, you're one step closer to getting that raise. 
If you have any questions, leave a comment too. I read every comment and will respond as best I can.

Until the next post....

To Getting that Raise,
France Garcia