Thursday, October 31, 2019


As per the Civil Code of the Philippines, we carry a big liability on our backs for signing plans and specifications.

The sad reality is some trick newly grads into signing and sealing plans on a per sheet basis, usually on a meager amount of money. Please do not fall into such traps.

To the young civil engineers, please just sign and seal plans that are thoroughly checked and prepared in accordance with the NSCP.

(c) Engr. Kimuel Suyat.


Please read/share, baka makatulong mas maunawaan ang tungkol sa UNDAS (All Saints' Day) at KALAGAYAN NG MGA PATAY

(from my column published by H&L magazine both printed & online, Nov.2015)

November 1, being a holiday to remember our beloved dead is also an opportune day and month to be taught or be reminded again with what the Bible teaches about the state of the dead.

What happens when our loved one dies? Does he go straight to heaven, to hell or some other places? It is true that the dead returns or roam around?

In the Bible, God told Adam after the fall in Genesis 3:18,19 “In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.”

Here is the key to understanding what death is all about and what God intends to do to save us from eternal separation from Him. The Bible says that man would return to the dust from which he was taken. Notice how Adam was created by God: “And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7

God took the elements of the earth and made a body for man. But man, at that point was only a corpse. It took something more to make him a living being. It says here that God breathed into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.

Consider an equation like this: [Body + Breath = A Living Soul], and in death we might write [Body – Breath = Corpse].

That is what the wise man said in Ecclesiastes, “Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7. Job also adds: “As long as my breath is in me, and the breath of God in my nostrils, my lips will not speak wickedness.” Job 27: 3.

It is clear that in death, the body returns to dust and the spirit, also translated as breath of life returns to God. Note that the word spirit is in small letter and is therefore not referring to the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead. This spirit refers to what was breathed by God to the dust, to make it a living person. The breath of life is different from the oxygen given to patients in hospitals that won’t give life to a dead man, but only comes from God, the source of life.

Let’s take a look at another text. “Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; in that very day his plans perish.” Psalm 146:3,4. King David introduces something new here. He says that when the breath leaves the body and it returns to the earth that the conscience part of man or his thoughts perish!

This harmonizes with what Solomon said: “For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, also their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished.” Ecclesiastes 9:5,6. He knows nothing! This is in keeping with what the Psalmist wrote, that the dead are not in heaven praising God. Then where are they, you will ask. David makes it quite clear: “The dead do not praise the Lord, nor any who go down into silence.” Psalm 15:17. “But man dies and is laid away. Indeed he breathes his last and where is he? So man lies down and does not rise, till the heavens are no more, they will not awake nor be roused from their sleep for the memory of them is forgotten.

Here we have it from God’s own Word that man dies and lies down in the grave and do not rise until the resurrection day. The dead do not roam around as ghosts either, they are there at the cemeteries or where they were buried! The breath of life also returns to God, not roam around and it’s not a personality that is able to speak and think.

I longed to reunite with my mother who died five years ago. By this, I don’t mean dying myself, but the fullfilment of what I told her at bedside when she could still hear me, “to remain in Christ so that even if you die we will see each other again.” This is the message of comfort that the apostle Paul shared with the early Christians, about what Jesus will do when He comes the second time: “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16.

Jesus had told the disciples that all would be raised from the grave. “Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth – those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.” John 5:28,29.Note that the resurrection of condemnation (punishment of the wicked) will happen after the Millenium (1000 yr vacation of the saved in heaven) when the New Jerusalem shall descend from heaven on Christ third coming to reign in the New Earth. Psalm 92:7 says that the wicked will be destroyed on the third coming, Malachi said, “’The day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘that will leave them neither root nor branch’” (Mal. 4:1). Satan, his angels and the wicked will burn till they die from the fire and vanish forever, not administer & be in hell forever as traditionally known. There is no literal hell now, it will happen as an event (not a permanent place and occurrence) on the third coming. You may read my article on the subject @

What about those who are still alive on the second coming? “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

Our beloved dead, they are still there where we buried them (their remains,like bones but no more breath of life), we can visit them at their grave or look at their ashes if cremated. They will be resurrected (God combines again their remains with His breath of life) and we shall see them again on the “Second Coming” because our hope lies in Jesus who says: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” John 11:25. And we shall reign eternally with God in heaven and in the new earth to come, Maranatha!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

RA 10754

Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Sixteenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, two thousand fifteen.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
SECTION 1. Section 32 of Republic Act No. 7277, as amended, otherwise known as the “Magna Carta for Persons with Disability”, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
“SEC. 32. Persons with disability shall be entitled to:
“(a) At least twenty percent (20%) discount and exemption from the value-added tax (VAT), if applicable, on the following sale of goods and services for the exclusive use and enjoyment or availment of the PWD:
“(1) On the fees and charges relative to the utilization of all services in hotels and similar lodging establishments; restaurants and recreation centers;
“(2) On admission fees charged by theaters, cinema houses, concert halls, circuses, carnivals and other similar places of culture, leisure and amusement;
“(3) On the purchase of medicines in all drugstores;
“(4) On medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory fees such as, but not limited to, x-rays, computerized tomography scans and blood tests, and professional fees of attending doctors in all government facilities, subject to the guidelines to be issued by the Department of Health (DOH), in coordination with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth);
“(5) On medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory fees, and professional fees of attending doctors in all private hospitals and medical facilities, in accordance with the rules and regulations to be issued by the DOH, in coordination with the PhilHealth;
“(6) On fare for domestic air and sea travel;
“(7) On actual fare for land transportation travel such as, but not limited to, public utility buses or jeepneys (PUBs/PUJs), taxis, asian utility vehicles (AUVs), shuttle services and public railways, including light Rail Transit (LRT), Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and Philippine National Railways (PNR); and
“(8) On funeral and burial services for the death of the PWD: Provided, That the beneficiary or any person who shall shoulder the funeral and burial expenses of the deceased PWD shall claim the discount under this rule for the deceased PWD upon presentation of the death certificate. Such expenses shall cover the purchase of casket or urn, embalming, hospital morgue, transport of the body to intended burial site in the place of origin, but shall exclude obituary publication and the cost of the memorial lot.
“(b) Educational assistance to PWD, for them to pursue primary, secondary, tertiary, post tertiary, as well as vocational or technical education, in both public and private schools, through the provision of scholarships, grants, financial aids, subsidies and other incentives to qualified PWD, including support for books, learning materials, and uniform allowance to the extent feasible: Provided, That PWD shall meet the minimum admission requirements;
“(c) To the extent practicable and feasible, the continuance of the same benefits and privileges given by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Social Security System (SSS), and Pag-IBIG, as the case may be, as are enjoyed by those in actual service;
“(d) To the extent possible, the government may grant special discounts in special programs for PWD on purchase of basic commodities, subject to the guidelines to be issued for the purpose by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA); and
“(e) Provision of express lanes for PWD in all commercial and government establishments; in the absence thereof, priority shall be given to them.
“The abovementioned privileges are available only to PWD who are Filipino citizens upon submission of any of the following as proof of his/her entitlement thereto:
“(i) An identification card issued by the city or municipal mayor or the barangay captain of the place where the PWD resides;
“(ii) The passport of the PWD concerned; or
“(iii) Transportation discount fare Identification Card (ID) issued by the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP).
“The privileges may not be claimed if the PWD claims a higher discount as may be granted by the commercial establishment and/or under other existing laws or in combination with other discount program/s.
“The establishments may claim the discounts granted in subsection (a), paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), and (8) as tax deductions based on the net cost of the goods sold or services rendered: Provided, however, That the cost of the discount shall be allowed as deduction from the gross income for the same taxable year that the discount is granted: Provided, further, That the total amount of the claimed tax deduction net of value-added tax, if applicable, shall be included in their gross sales receipts for tax purposes and shall be subject to proper documentation and to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended.”
SEC. 2. Section 33 of Republic Act No. 7277, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
“SEC. 33. Incentives. – Those caring for and living with a PWD shall be granted the following incentives:
“(a) PWD, who are within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to the taxpayer, regardless of age, who are not gainfully employed and chiefly dependent upon the taxpayer, shall be treated as dependents under Section 35(b) of the NIRC of 1997, as amended, and as such, individual taxpayers caring for them shall be accorded the privileges granted by the Code insofar as having dependents under the same section are concerned; and
“x x x.”
SEC. 3. Implementing Rules and Regulations, – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), in consultation with the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Finance (DOF), and the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA), shall promulgate the necessary rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the provisions of this Act: Provided, That the failure of the concerned agencies to promulgate the said rules and regulations shall not prevent the implementation of this Act upon its effectivity.
SEC. 4. Separability Clause. – If any provision of this Act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, other provisions hereof which are not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.
SEC. 5. Repealing Clause. – All laws, orders, decrees, rules and regulations, and other parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
SEC. 6. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
President of the Senate
Speaker of the House
of Representatives
This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 1039 and Senatee Bill No. 2890 was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on December 16, 2015 and December 15, 2015, respectively.
Secretary of the Senate
Secretary General
House of Representatives
Approved: MAR 23 2016
President of the Philippines

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

RA 10754 PWD Benefits

RA 10754 – An Act Expanding The Benefits And Priviledges Of Persons With Disability (PWD)

Republic Act No. 10754
Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Sixteenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, two thousand fifteen.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
SECTION 1. Section 32 of Republic Act No. 7277, as amended, otherwise known as the “Magna Carta for Persons with Disability”, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
“SEC. 32. Persons with disability shall be entitled to:
“(a) At least twenty percent (20%) discount and exemption from the value-added tax (VAT), if applicable, on the following sale of goods and services for the exclusive use and enjoyment or availment of the PWD:
“(1) On the fees and charges relative to the utilization of all services in hotels and similar lodging establishments; restaurants and recreation centers;
“(2) On admission fees charged by theaters, cinema houses, concert halls, circuses, carnivals and other similar places of culture, leisure and amusement;
“(3) On the purchase of medicines in all drugstores;
“(4) On medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory fees such as, but not limited to, x-rays, computerized tomography scans and blood tests, and professional fees of attending doctors in all government facilities, subject to the guidelines to be issued by the Department of Health (DOH), in coordination with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth);
“(5) On medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory fees, and professional fees of attending doctors in all private hospitals and medical facilities, in accordance with the rules and regulations to be issued by the DOH, in coordination with the PhilHealth;
“(6) On fare for domestic air and sea travel;
“(7) On actual fare for land transportation travel such as, but not limited to, public utility buses or jeepneys (PUBs/PUJs), taxis, asian utility vehicles (AUVs), shuttle services and public railways, including light Rail Transit (LRT), Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and Philippine National Railways (PNR); and
“(8) On funeral and burial services for the death of the PWD: Provided, That the beneficiary or any person who shall shoulder the funeral and burial expenses of the deceased PWD shall claim the discount under this rule for the deceased PWD upon presentation of the death certificate. Such expenses shall cover the purchase of casket or urn, embalming, hospital morgue, transport of the body to intended burial site in the place of origin, but shall exclude obituary publication and the cost of the memorial lot.
“(b) Educational assistance to PWD, for them to pursue primary, secondary, tertiary, post tertiary, as well as vocational or technical education, in both public and private schools, through the provision of scholarships, grants, financial aids, subsidies and other incentives to qualified PWD, including support for books, learning materials, and uniform allowance to the extent feasible: Provided, That PWD shall meet the minimum admission requirements;
“(c) To the extent practicable and feasible, the continuance of the same benefits and privileges given by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Social Security System (SSS), and Pag-IBIG, as the case may be, as are enjoyed by those in actual service;
“(d) To the extent possible, the government may grant special discounts in special programs for PWD on purchase of basic commodities, subject to the guidelines to be issued for the purpose by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA); and
“(e) Provision of express lanes for PWD in all commercial and government establishments; in the absence thereof, priority shall be given to them.
“The abovementioned privileges are available only to PWD who are Filipino citizens upon submission of any of the following as proof of his/her entitlement thereto:
“(i) An identification card issued by the city or municipal mayor or the barangay captain of the place where the PWD resides;
“(ii) The passport of the PWD concerned; or
“(iii) Transportation discount fare Identification Card (ID) issued by the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP).
“The privileges may not be claimed if the PWD claims a higher discount as may be granted by the commercial establishment and/or under other existing laws or in combination with other discount program/s.
“The establishments may claim the discounts granted in subsection (a), paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), and (8) as tax deductions based on the net cost of the goods sold or services rendered: Provided, however, That the cost of the discount shall be allowed as deduction from the gross income for the same taxable year that the discount is granted: Provided, further, That the total amount of the claimed tax deduction net of value-added tax, if applicable, shall be included in their gross sales receipts for tax purposes and shall be subject to proper documentation and to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended.”
SEC. 2. Section 33 of Republic Act No. 7277, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
“SEC. 33. Incentives. – Those caring for and living with a PWD shall be granted the following incentives:
“(a) PWD, who are within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to the taxpayer, regardless of age, who are not gainfully employed and chiefly dependent upon the taxpayer, shall be treated as dependents under Section 35(b) of the NIRC of 1997, as amended, and as such, individual taxpayers caring for them shall be accorded the privileges granted by the Code insofar as having dependents under the same section are concerned; and
“x x x.”
SEC. 3. Implementing Rules and Regulations, – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), in consultation with the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Finance (DOF), and the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA), shall promulgate the necessary rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the provisions of this Act: Provided, That the failure of the concerned agencies to promulgate the said rules and regulations shall not prevent the implementation of this Act upon its effectivity.
SEC. 4. Separability Clause. – If any provision of this Act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, other provisions hereof which are not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.
SEC. 5. Repealing Clause. – All laws, orders, decrees, rules and regulations, and other parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
SEC. 6. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
President of the Senate
Speaker of the House
of Representatives
This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 1039 and Senatee Bill No. 2890 was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on December 16, 2015 and December 15, 2015, respectively.
Secretary of the Senate
Secretary General
House of Representatives
Approved: MAR 23 2016
President of the Philippines

Monday, October 28, 2019

Don' t fight.

The Eagle does not fight the snake on the ground.

It picks it up into the sky and changes the battle ground, and then it releases the snake into the sky.

The snake has no stamina, no power and no balance in the air. It is useless, weak and vulnerable unlike on the ground where it is powerful wise and deadly.

Take your fight into the spiritual realm by praying and when you are in the spiritual realm God takes over your battles.

Don’t fight the enemy in his comfort zone, change the battle grounds like the Eagle and let God take charge through your earnest prayer.

Am i communicating?πŸ‘πŸ‘

African swine fever.

(Longganisa o hotdog na may ASF)

Ans: Mabubusog ka! Pero hindi ka mahahawa! Bakit?? Kasi hindi ka naman baboy! TAO KA!


Ang ASF ay NON- ZOONOTIC disease. Ano yun? Sakit na pang hayop lang pero hindi pang tao! Uulitin ko, hindi pang tao!! Mamamatay ang baboy pero hindi ikaw.. magkakasakit ang baboy, pero hindi ikaw!


Ang best example ng ZOONOTIC DISEASE ay RABIES.
(Sakit na pwede sa Tao at pwede sa hayop)


Kung may tamang panahon para tulungan ang pilipinas at ang farmers, ngayon yun my friend! Kilala ang ASF na nag wipe out ng baboy sa karamihan ng bansa sa buong mundo! Dahil infected na ang PILIPINAS, hindi na tayo pwede mag export ng baboy at syempre triple ingat sa pag IMPORT at mas maganda kung iwasan!

Anong tamang gawin mo bilang Pilipino?? NOW IS THE TIME! EAT PORK!! Matatanggap ko kung patayin ng ASF ang industriya ng magbababoy (sakit yan eh, wala na akong magagawa), pero hindi ko matatanggap kung mismong tayong mga Pilipino ang papatay sa isa na naman industriya dahil lang sa hindi natin naintindihan na ligtas naman palang kumain ng baboy!


Simple lang, kumain ka kagaya ng normal mong pagkain! Mag food trip ka ulit sa UP at kumain ng ISAW BABOY, umorder ka ulit sa GERRY's ng paborito nyong PORK SISIG at CRISPY PATA, bumili ka ulit sa suki mo sa palengke ng isang kilong liempo.. Wag mong hintayin na sobrang mahal na ng UNLIMITED SAMGYUP dahil sa kakulangan ng PORK sa PINAS. NGAYON, ang taas ng SUPPLY, walang demand. Dadating ang araw, mataas na ang DEMAND, pero wala na tayong supply.

Pls Like and share


Mag-ingat Sa Stroke
Payo ni Doc Willie Ong

Sa Pilipinas, pangalawa ang stroke sa 10 pangunahing sakit na nakamamatay. May 110 Pilipino ang nasasawi araw-araw dahil sa stroke. Ang mga taong may edad, may high blood pressure, diabetes, at sakit sa puso ang mas nagkakaroon ng stroke.

Dalawang Klase Ng Stroke:
Ang stroke ay isang sakit kung saan nagbabara ang ugat sa utak (Medical term: Ischemic Stroke). Dahil ang utak natin ang nag-ko-kontrol ng paggalaw ng ating katawan, kadalasan ay nanghihina ang kamay o paa ng isang taong na-stroke. Ang iba pang posibleng sintomas ng stroke ay ang pagkabulol, pamamanhid, pananakit ng ulo, at panlalabo ng mata.
Mayroon ding pangalawang klase ng stroke kung saan nagdurugo ang utak ng pasyente dahil may pumutok na ugat (Medical term: Hemorrhagic Stroke). Kadalasan ay mataas ang blood pressure ng ganitong pasyente.

Paraan Para Makaiwas Sa Stroke:
1. Panatilihin ang blood pressure na mas mababa sa 130 over 80. Kapag ang iyong blood pressure ay 140 over 90, o mas mataas pa, ang ibig sabihin ay may altapresyon ka at kailangang magpatingin sa doktor.
2. Kung kayo ay may diabetes, panatilihin ang fasting blood sugar na mas mababa sa 120 mg/dL (6.7 mmol/L).  Ang normal na blood sugar level ay 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) o mas mababa pa. Ang diabetes ay nakasisira sa ugat ng ating utak. Gamutin ito.
3. Ipasuri ang cholesterol levels sa dugo at panatilihin ito sa 200 mg/dL (5.2 mmol/L) o mas mababa pa. Ang mataas na cholesterol ay puwedeng magdulot ng pagbabara sa utak. Bawasan ang pagkain ng mga matataba at mamantikang pagkain.
4. Huwag magpataba. Alamin ang tamang timbang at pilitin itong maabot.
5. Itigil ang paninigarilyo. Ang isang stick ng sigarilyo ay may 10-20 mg ng nicotine na masama sa ating ugat.
6. Limitahan o umiwas sa pag-inom ng alak. Ang taong malakas uminom ng alak ay mas mataas ang tsansang ma-stroke at ma-aksidente.
7. Huwag gumamit ng droga. Ang shabu ay isang pangunahing sanhi ng stroke sa kabataan.
8. Umiwas sa air pollution. Ayon sa pagsusuri sa Taiwan, mas marami ang na-stroke kapag madumi ang hangin sa paligid.
9. Umiwas sa mainit na lugar. Ayon kay Professor Chun-Yuh Yang, kapag mainit ang panahon, maraming tao ang na-stroke. Umiwas sa araw mula 10 ng umaga hanggang 4 ng hapon.
10. Magpa-check up ng regular sa iyong doktor.
Sa susunod, may dagdag pang payo para makaiwas sa stroke.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Medicine for Cholesterol.

For cholesterol -

Brand name - RHEA
Reductase Inhibitor

Start taking this medicine : October 25, 2019
Duration 3 months or 30days
Cost of generic medicine Php22.00/pc.

22 * 30 = php 660.

Today 10/27/2019 - Advance visit..

Today we Ed and Fely advance our visit to our beloved Father and Mother at Angelus Eternal Garden together with my sister  Janet, niece Dina, uncle Pedong and Christian. We voluntary do the cleaning para di na iupa pa. Then we bow our head and whisper prayer for our love ones.

Tamang Pag-inom ng Tubig.

Tamang Pag-inom ng Tubig
Dr. Willie T. Ong

Alam ba ninyo na may tama at maling pag-inom ng tubig? Oo. Sa katunayan, ang katawan natin ay gawa sa 80% ng tubig. Heto ang mga tips sa pag-inom ng tubig.
1. Uminom ng 8-10 basong tubig bawat araw. Kung may edad o mahina ang puso, puwede na ang 4 o 5 basong tubig lamang. Huwag lalampas sa 16 basong tubig sa isang araw dahil baka masyadong lumabnaw ang ating dugo.
2. Konti-konti lang ang pag-inom ng tubig. Mga 3 o 4 na lagok lang. Huwag biglang uminom ng 2 basong tubig lalo na kung may edad dahil baka malunod ang inyong puso. Ang pag-inom ng pakonti-konti ay maganda ding panlaban sa pangangasim ng sikmura dahil nalilinis nito ang asido sa tiyan.
3. Pagka-gising sa umaga, uminom ng isang basong tubig. Ito’y dahil kulang tayo sa tubig o dehydrated na sa umaga. Nililinis din nito ang ating kidneys at pantog.
4. Sa mga may lahi ng kidney stones, o iyung bato sa bato, kailangan ninyo na uminom ng tubig bago matulog sa gabi. Ito’y para hindi magbuo ang kidney stones sa gabi.
5. Uminom ng mas maraming tubig habang nag-e-ehersisyo. Kapag malakas kayo magpawis, kailangang uminom ng 1 basong tubig bawat 30 minutos ng ehersisyo. Kumain na rin ng saging para hindi bumaba ang potassium sa dugo.
6. Kapag nanunuyo ang inyong lalamunan, may sipon o ubo, uminom din ng mas maraming tubig para lumabnaw at mailabas ang plema.
7. Sa mga nag-be-breastfeeding, damihan ang inom ng tubig para sa inyo at sa inyong sanggol. Ayon sa Mayo Clinic sa America, kailangan ng bagong panganak ng 12 o 13 basong tubig sa buong araw habang nag-be-breastfeeding.
8. Siguraduhing malinis at ligtas ang inyong tubig. Huwag makipagsapalaran dahil puwedeng magdulot ng typhoid fever at gastroenteritis ang maduming tubig.
9. Ang tubig ay nagpapaganda sa ating balat. Kapag kulang ka sa tubig, kukulubot ang iyong balat. Ngunit kung may sapat ka na tubig, magiging makinis at malambot ang iyong kutis.
10. Isang tip: Tingnan ang kulay ng ihi para malaman kung kulang tayo sa tubig o hindi. Kapag madilaw o kulay orange na ang iyong ihi, kailangan mo nang uminom ng tubig.
11. Kung hindi kayo mahilig sa tubig, puwede ding kumain ng maraming pakwan na punong-puno ng tubig at may bitamina pa.

Friday, October 25, 2019



Philippine Historical Figures and their wive's

Born: March 22, 1869
Died:  Feb 6, 1964
The first and the youngest President of the Philippines and First President in a Constitutional  Republic in Asia.

Born: August 19, 1878
Died: August 1, 1944)
He served as President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines from 1935 to 1944.

Born: August 31, 1907
Died: March 17, 1957
The seventh President of the Philippines. From Dec. 30, 1953 until his death in an Aircraft disaster.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bell's Palsy.

Tips para hindi magka Bell's Palsy ( uso kase to ngayon eh ☹️) :

✔️ bawal mag paka stress 😜
✔️ bawal magpuyat araw araw
✔️ huwag matulog nang basa ang buhok
✔️ huwag itutok sa ulo yung electric fan ( kahit papatuyuin lang yung buhok)
✔️ huwag ka na din magpa butas ng tenga sa upper part kase matagal gumaling ( usually galing daw po kase to sa viral infection eh or kahit kapag nagkaksugat lang yung tenga ganon)
✔️ huwag makulit, sundin mo nalang po huhu 🀣

May 21,2019 nag night swimming kami magkakaklase, shempre puyat at pagod kami non kase nag hanap din ako ng work that day.  So lahat po nang mga bawal nyan nagawa ko or meron ako that time, kaya pagkagising ko kinaumagahan parang nilulukot yung buong mukha ko. Sabi ng mga kaibigan ko, baka nangawit lang daw sa pagkakatulog kaya dinedma ko nalang. Then 12:30pm na nung nakauwe ako sa bahay. Hindi ko pansin na nakangiwi na pala ako sinabi lang nung tito ko saka ni papa.

So ayon, sana po maging aware din po kayo lalo na yung mga mahilig tumutok sa electric fan hehe. Baka masyadong malamigan, delikado din pala yon. Bali 5mos na sya ngayon hahah, hindi pa totally magaling pero konti nalang makakangiti na ulit ako nang kagaya ng dati.
ps. wala pong exact cause ang bell's palsy


Nasa negosyo pa din talaga ang malaking peraπŸ‘Œ

Me: Isang lechon manok po kuya

Tindero: Eto sir 230 lang

Me: Lakas ng store mo kuya no, magkano nabebenta mo sa isang araw?

Tindero: around 40 sir

Me: Dami pala kuya magkano yung isang manok na fresh kuya?

Tindero: 130 sir, minsan depende magkano bigay ng supplier

Me: Sige kuya salamat

*Pag - uwi*
As a regular employee na gigising, papasok, magta - trabaho ng 8hrs a day, uuwi at matutulog nalang pagdating,
napaisip ako pagdating ko ng bahay.

Price per chicken: 230 pesos
Capital per chicken: 130 pesos
Sales per day: 40 pieces
230 - 130 - (15) spices, condiments, uling, ilaw = 85 pesos

85 pesos x 40 pieces = 3,400 pesos per day

3400 pesos x 30 days = 102,000 pesos

102,000 pesos per month working from 4PM - 10PM A DAY.

After this computation and realization sabi ko sa sarili it's not about  air conditioned office, degree, profession, job title and pursue your dying dream job. One day I want to own a business.

Opss I know meron mga katulad ko na empleyado na baka di sumang ayon dito but please I just want to share my thoughts lang hindi ko po ine - exposed si kuya or minamaliit yung pagiging regular employee mas maganda lang na bukas tayo sa ibang opportunity na mas pwede tayo mag - excel.

But let's consider na hindi lahat ng araw madami ka benta, pwedeng konti pwedeng mas madami. and it' doesn't mean na kapag may capital ka to own a business kikita na ng malaki marami pwede i consider like location, product itself, demand, competition and many more.

Love letters.

A sentimental open letter from an American teacher to the Filipino people (Pls. take time to read this)

By David H. Harwell, PhD

I am writing to thank Filipinos for the way you have treated me here, and to pass on a lesson I learned from observing the differences between your culture and mine over the years.

I am an expatriate worker. I refer to myself as an OAW, an overseas American worker, as a bad joke. The work I do involves a lot of traveling and changing locations, and I do it alone, without family. I have been in 21 countries now, not including my own. It was fun at first.  Now, many years later, I am getting tired. The Philippines remains my favorite country of all, though, and I’d like to tell you why before I have to go away again.

I have lived for short periods here, traveled here, and have family and friends here. My own family of origin in the United States is like that of many Americans—not much of a family. Americans do not stay very close to their families, geographically or emotionally, and that is a major mistake. I have long been looking for a home and a family, and the Philippines is the only place I have lived where people honestly seem to understand how important their families are.

I am American and hard-headed. I am a teacher, but it takes me a long time to learn some things. But I’ve been trying, and your culture has been patient in trying to teach me.

In the countries where I’ve lived and worked, all over the Middle East and Asia, it is Filipinos who do all the work and make everything happen. When I am working in a new company abroad, I seek out the Filipino staff when I need help getting something done, and done right. Your international reputation as employees is that you work hard, don’t complain, and are very capable. If all the Filipinos were to go home from the Middle East, the world would stop. Oil is the lifeblood of the world, but without Filipinos, the oil will not come from the ground, it will not be loaded onto the ships, and the ships will not sail.  The offices that make the deals and collect the payments will not even open in the morning. The schools will not have teachers, and, of course, the hospitals will have no staff.

What I have seen, that many of you have not seen, is how your family members, the ones who are overseas Filipino workers, do not tell you much about how hard their lives actually are. OFWs are very often mistreated in other countries, at work and in their personal lives. You probably have not heard much about how they do all the work but are severely underpaid, because they know that the money they are earning must be sent home to you, who depend on them.  The OFWs are very strong people, perhaps the strongest I have ever seen. They have their pictures taken in front of nice shops and locations to post on Facebook so that you won’t worry about them. But every Pinoy I have ever met abroad misses his/her family very, very much.

I often pity those of you who go to America. You see pictures of their houses and cars, but not what it took to get those things. We have nice things, too many things, in America, but we take on an incredible debt to get them, and the debt is lifelong.  America’s economy is based on debt. Very rarely is a house, car, nice piece of clothing, electronic appliance, and often even food, paid for.  We get them with credit, and this debt will take all of our lifetime to pay. That burden is true for anyone in America—the OFWs, those who are married to Americans, and the Americans themselves.

Most of us allow the American Dream to become the American Trap. Some of you who go there make it back home, but you give up most of your lives before you do. Some of you who go there learn the very bad American habits of wanting too many things in your hands, and the result is that you live only to work, instead of working only to live. The things we own actually own us. That is the great mistake we Americans make in our lives. We live only to work, and we work only to buy more things that we don’t need.  We lose our lives in the process.

I have sometimes tried to explain it like this: In America, our hands are full, but our hearts are empty.

You have many problems here, I understand that. Americans worry about having new cars, Filipinos worry about having enough food to eat. That’s an enormous difference. But do not envy us, because we should learn something from you. What I see is that even when your hands are empty, your hearts remain full.

I have many privileges in the countries where I work, because I am an expat. I do not deserve these things, but I have them. However, in every country I visit, I see that you are there also, taking care of your families, friends, bosses, and coworkers first, and yourselves last. And you have always taken care of me, in this country and in every other place where I have been.

These are places where I have been very alone, very tired, very hungry, and very worried, but there have always been Filipinos in my offices, in the shops, in the restaurants, in the hospitals, everywhere, who smile at and take good care of me. I always try to let you know that I have lived and traveled in the Philippines and how much I like your country. I know that behind those smiles of yours, here and abroad, are many worries and problems.

Please know that at least one of us expats has seen what you do for others and understands that you have a story behind your smiles. Know that at least one of us admires you, respects you, and thanks you for your sacrifices. Salamat po. Ingat lagi. Mahal ko kayong lahat.

David H. Harwell, PhD, is a former professor and assistant dean in the United States who now travels and works abroad designing language training programs. He is a published author and a son of a retired news editor.


3 klase ng gamot para sa ubo.

May tatlong uri ng gamot laban sa ubo na nabibili sa botika.
(For Educational Purposes Only)

😷 Expectorant

Ang expectorant ay isang uri ng gamot na kumukontra sa ubo. Tinutulungan nitong ilabas ang plema na bumabara sa iyong lalamunan na siya ring nagdudulot ng iyong ubo. Ito ay kadalasang inirerekomenda sa mga ubong may halak, o iyong pumuputok. Ang kilalang halimbawa ng gamot nito ay ang guaifenesin.

😷 Mucolytic

Ang uri ng gamot na ito ay tumutulong sa paglalabas ng plema. Pinalalambot nito ang makapal at malagkit na plema na syang humaharang sa daluyan ng hangin, upang ito’y mas madaling ilabas at tuluyang mawala ang ubo. Karaniwang halimbawa niyo ay ang Ambroxol at Carbocistine.

😷 Antitussive

Ang antitussive ay isang uri ng gamot na pumipigil sa ubo. Ito ay kadalasang inirerekomenda kung ang ubo’y nakakasagabal sa pagtulog o nagiging dahilan ng pagiging hindi komportable ng isang tao sa araw-araw niyang gawain. Ito rin ay madalas na ihinahalo sa expectorant para sa mas epektibong lunas. Ang karaniwang halimbawa ng antitussive drug ay dextromethorphan.

Ang impormasyon na nakapaloob dito ay para lamang sa mga layuning pang-edukasyon at hindi kapalit ng payo, diagnosis o paggamot ng isang lisensiyadong manggagamot. Dapat kang humingi ng mabilis na pangangalagang medikal para sa anumang mga isyu sa kalusugan. Bisitahin ang iyong doktor. Salamat.

Always be safe.

What ever you do - Be safe.

Where ever you are - Be safe.

Always ask help and safety from our savior Jesus Christ.

He will provide you what you want.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Papaano magcompute per guhit ng kilo

Papaano magcompute per guhit ng kilo
Price per kilo = 35/kilo

Me bumili ng sibuyas 6 na guhit.
Price (6 guhit) = price per kilo x 6/16
Magkano ang 6 na guhit na sibuyas.
Price  = 35 x 6/16 = 13.125

Kilogram Decimal conversion Price : 25
0  1/16 1  / 16 0.0625  = 1.56
 2/16 2  / 16 0.1250  = 3.13
 3/16 3  / 16 0.1875  = 4.69
 1/4  4/16 4  / 16 0.2500  = 6.25
 5/16 5  / 16 0.3125  = 7.81
 6/16 6  / 16 0.3750  = 9.38
 7/16 7  / 16 0.4375  = 10.94
 1/2  8/16 8  / 16 0.5000  = 12.50
 9/16 9  / 16 0.5625  = 14.06
 10/16 10  / 16 0.6250  = 15.63
 11/16 11  / 16 0.6875  = 17.19
 3/4  12/16 12  / 16 0.7500  = 18.75
 13/16 13  / 16 0.8125  = 20.31
 14/16 14  / 16 0.8750  = 21.88
 15/16 15  / 16 0.9375  = 23.44
1  16/16 16  / 16 1.0000  = 25.00