Wednesday, October 15, 2008


An Angel says, 'Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.'

1. Pray.

2. Go to bed on time.

3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.

4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.

5. Delegate tasks to capable others.

6. Simplify and unclutter your life.

7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)

8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.

9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.

10. Take one day at a time.

11. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.

12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards just for ordinary purchases.

13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.

14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.

15. Do something for the 'Kid' in you everyday.

16. Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line.

17. Get enough rest.

18. Eat right.

19. Get organized so everything has its place.

20. Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality of life.

21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.

22. Every day, find time to be alone.

23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.

24. Make friends with Godly people.

25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.

26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank you Jesus.'

27. Laugh.

28. Laugh some more!

29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.

30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).

31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most)...this is the hard !!

32. Sit on your ego.

33. Talk less; listen more.

34. Slow down.

35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.

36 . Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before.

GOD HAS A WAY OF TURNING THINGS AROUND FOR YOU. 'If God is for us, who can be against us?' (Romans 8:31)


It has been three months since we launched the book and the world
around us has changed quite a bit in such a short period of time.
Warm milk, taken by our kids at night, instead of relaxing them and
us, keeps us wondering whether it had any melamine at all. More
than a hundred year old global firms demonstrate to us that
everything is fleeting as they declare bankruptcy or are bought or
are taken over by another firm. Age or length of operations is no
longer a guarantee that a company will survive and thrive.

One day, I walked from my office to the chapel to hear mass. It was
a bright, sunny day that the heat was quite unbearable. After the
mass though, upon coming out of the chapel, it was raining so hard
and no one seemed to have expected the heavy downpour. A lot of
people were just waiting in the covered area, stuck there at the
entrance for they didn't bring an umbrella.

Then I saw a lady, walk confidently down the steps, into the rain,
as she had an umbrella with her. Well, I had an umbrella too so I
followed suit. What is the moral lesson of the story? Always carry
an umbrella even when it seems sunny. Well, that's an acceptable
lesson but as I walked in the rain (with my trusty umbrella), I
began to reflect about life and rain.

Can anybody predict the weather perfectly? All you need to do is
listen to all those irate parents when their kids are sent home in
the middle of the day given unexpected rains to know that even
Pag-asa here in the Philippines can't do that. Life is filled with
unpredictable weather and unexpected turns. Life can get crazy at
times. It can make you crazy even but for as long as you have the
Lord as your umbrella, you know things will be fine. Having the
Lord in your life, and trusting Him with all your might (even when
you know it's hard or next to impossible), can be like having an
umbrella in the midst of a sudden downpour.

Does having an umbrella with you, stop the rain from pouring? No,
it doesn't. Same thing with staying close to the Lord. It is not a
guarantee for a trouble-free life. Into each life, some rain must
fall but I guarantee you that if rain falls on you when you have an
umbrella, you may get splattered here and there, your feet may get
a bit muddy even, but there's no way that you will get drenched to
the bone. And If you still do get drenched to the bone -- well,
there's a good reason for it.

I am reminded now of a song in the musical Le Miserable. It goes
like this: "...I don't feel any pain. A little drop of rain can
hardly hurt me now. You're here. That's all I need to know. And you
will keep me safe. And you will keep me close. And rain, will make
the flowers grow."

So, if it is raining unexpectedly in your life now, please bloom. =)

How to Identify Product Made In....

The whole world is scared of China made "black hearted goods". Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China? Let me tell u...the first 3 digits of barcode 690.691.692 are MADE IN CHINA

471 is Made in Taiwan .

This is our human right to know, but the government and related department never educate the public, therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves.

Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products "made in china", so they don't show from which country it is made.
However, you may now refer to the barcode, remember if the first 3 digits is:

690-692 then it is made in China.

00 ~ 09 USA & CANADA

30 ~ 37 FRANCE

40 ~ 44 GERMANY

49 - JAPAN

50 - UK

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