Wednesday, October 15, 2008
First Posted 09:02:00 05/27/2008
(This is part of Take Charge of Your Money , a partnership between and Citibank to help readers handle their personal finances well.)

Question: There is much talk about global warming and how it can affect our children’s future. Closer to home, we have seen rivers die and landfills becoming mountains of trash over the years. We’d like to set a good example to our own kids and do our share in helping save the environment. What can we do in that end without having to shell out a lot of cash? — Jun

Answer: All over the world, more and more people are becoming aware of the need to do something about our environment. Our own parents bear witness to the fact that the rivers they have swum in when they were young have “died” or are on the road to death. Forest areas have been decreasing over the years as people pursue mining, urban development and housing, leading to erosion and flooding. Mountains have become bald and polar caps have been melting.

There is a lot we can do to help preserve and save our environment. Below are our environment-friendly tips that won’t create a dent in your budget; you may save on costs too.

At home
1. After doing the laundry, air-dry clothes instead of putting them in the dryer.
2. When not using appliances, unplug them. Appliances on standby mode (such as TV or computers) also use up electricity.
3. When reading, sit by the window to avail of natural light.
4. Do your ironing in one batch.
5. Recycle what you can: softdrink cans, PET bottles, paper, cartons, newspapers, empty printer ink cartridges and even cellphone batteries. Bring these to the junk shop or recycle markets and you may even get cash in return.
6. Pay your bills online or through the phone. Not only will you not have to go to the bank to do this transaction; you will save on time, energy, and gas as well. And if you go paperless and request that your bills be sent by e-mail, you’ll help save a lot of trees to be cut up for paper use. 7. Use more energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. There is an energy efficiency ratio on appliances in the market: The higher it is, the better. In computers, the newer processors use up less power but perform better.
8. Use gray water (example: water used in cooking) for gardening.
9. Have your toilet fitted with a dual-flush mechanism to save on water.

When shopping
1. Use a bayong or reusable cloth bag when doing your shopping. Plastic bags will cost the stores more and will just end up in landfills. Nowadays, supermarkets encourage the use of reusable bags and some even offer incentives (such as free items) for their use.
2. Plan your shopping trips so you won’t have to go back and forth and waste gas and fare money.
3. Buy products with biodegradable packaging if you can.
4. Consider buying secondhand for items such as furniture and books.

When traveling
1. Use public transport or carpool with other people to save on gas and energy.
2. Have your car tuned up regularly and the tires inflated to the right amount of pressure. This will help your car perform at its best, enabling you to get more mileage out of your gas.
3. For short distances, walk instead of ride. Save on gas and don’t add to the pollution.
4. Consider switching to a more environment-friendly fuel. A lot of taxis now fill up using LPG gas which cost less. There is also a form of unleaded gas that is kinder to the environment.
5. Book your plane tickets online. E-ticketing will help save on paper.
6. Use a digital camera instead of a disposable camera. It will be cheaper in the long run and you won’t contribute to the items to be dumped in landfills.

In the office
1. Print or photocopy on both sides of the paper.
2. Use recycled paper for scratch pads.
3. Instead of buying new printer ink cartridges each time they are empty, have them refilled.
4. Use mugs instead of disposable cups for coffee.
5. Turn off computers, printers, paper shredders, and photo copying machines when not in use.
6. Instead of buying mineral water by the bottle at your office canteen, purchase a 5-gallon bottle from a water refilling station, then just bring water to the office using a jug.
7. During your next summer getaway, suggest a tree-planting activity or beach clean-up time for all employees.
8. Suggest a telecommuting option for employees. A lot of office work can be done at home. Working at home will help you save gas and money and may even inspire you with the change in routine.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. If we all do our share in saving the environment, our children and our children’s children will benefit the rewards of a greener planet.

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