Sunday, April 01, 2018

Life is Good. Do You Agree.

"Good afternoon po, Ma’am!"

"Hi, good afternoon din po!"

I gave her a second glance. She smiled at me. 

She was wearing an all white blouse and trousers and a brown hat on top of her head. What struck me is that she was wearing a green sash. No, she was not a beauty queen. She’s a mall-greeter. 

It’s as if, the time stopped for a moment. And then, I felt something pinched my heart. I can see she was smiling but I know if there’s another way for her to earn money, she wouldn’t be there. Her skin is wrinkled. Her back was a little bit hunched. Yes, her lips are smiling but her eyes are sad. She’s old, probably 5 years older than I am. Seeing an old woman doing that work is so very tiring.  

Don’t get me wrong. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with working in your senior years. But, the question is, can you not afford to live if you don’t work?

In the Philippines, we are blessed that retirement starts at the age of (60) sixty. According to Merriam Webster, to retire means:  "to withdraw from one's position or occupation: conclude one's working or professional career."

I am a retired businesswoman. I can live the way I want. I can always spend time with my kids and loved ones if I want to. I can choose not to work without worrying that if I don’t work today, there wouldn’t be food on the table.  

Because I have saved more than enough for that during my working years as a business owner. I invested my money that earns passively. Retiring doesn’t mean, retiring from work. It is about working because I choose to, not because I have to. This is very much like what I have learned from one of my mentors, Robert Kiyosaki and his book on How to Become Rich and Retire Young.

Robert Kiyosaki on retirement:
"You can survive at your current standard of living for as long as you live, whether you work or not. And you'll leave infinite money for your loved ones, too."

I started being semi-retired at 57 years old.  That was when I was able to pay off all the debts that I have incurred from the more than 20 failed businesses and decades of mistakes I made through trial and error. Since then, I worked only because I wanted to and not because I had to.

This is my dream for you Pinoy business owners - being able to make so much money at an early age that you can decide when to retire. This is why I organized the lessons I have learned into the Grow Your Business, Pinoy! Roadmap® for you.

I also pray that you retire healthy so that you can still run and play with your grandkids. Walk with your spouse for hours without gasping for breath, and travel all you want. Imagine yourself retiring at an age where you can still move so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor, spend more time with your loved ones, and most importantly help other people.

This is the life I am enjoying, but you can enjoy it earlier because you have the roadmap now.

Life is good.  Do you agree?

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