Sunday, April 01, 2018

Who What Why

Have you ever been choked?

The good-looking, very well-dressed man was crying profusely. He almost killed his soon to be wife.

A few seconds later, they were both laughing…and still crying.

He has been preparing for his marriage proposal in the last 3 months. Today, was “the” day.

It was his girlfriend’s birthday. He arranged a dinner for two, al fresco style in one of the garden restaurants in Tagaytay City.

They were enjoying her favorite meal, wagyu ribeye steak, red wine, hearty laughs under a crescent moon and bright stars. Then the waiter came in on cue for the dessert, an avocado gelato. 

You guessed it right! His 1-carat diamond ring half-buried in the gelato went unnoticed amidst their conversation.  Unknowingly, the girl scooped it, swallowed it and almost choked on it!

What was he thinking? Did he even know her well enough?


In business, it is crucial to know your market well. What is their gender, age, occupation, interests, location, etc? You also need to identify the reason why they buy, when they buy, how they buy, and what they buy from you.

From there, decide which customers you want to serve and what needs they have that you can serve better than your competitors.

Before you even create your product or service, you should have studied and researched your target market very well. By doing so, you will be able to provide a product that they really need and want in the time, place and manner that they need and want it.

Just like this soon to be husband, he has gotten to know his girlfriend of 5 years very well. He actually invested 7 years to really get to know her because they were friends for 2 years first before they went into their relationship.

He knows that her girlfriend takes 2 hours to prepare on their dates. So, he bought a phone with a larger phone memory. This is where he downloads his favorite podcasts and e-books that he can consume while waiting for his dearest to get ready.

He knows that she always forgets to bring her handkerchief, so he always slips one on his pocket to lend to her whenever she needs to wipe her hands.

He knows that she loves being kissed on the forehead, so he always does that whenever he leaves. 

He never dared her to do the “Samyang challenge” because he knows that she hates spicy food, among many other things.  

And he knows that her favorite gelato and fruit is avocado. So, why did he expect her to notice his engagement ring? He should have known better than to embed it in food that she loves!


Knowing your customer is tricky but it is absolutely critical. So, ask yourself today, and remember to focus on the 3 W’s: 

1.       Who buys:

·         What do your customers look like?

·         What are their behaviors?

·         What are their needs/pain points?

2.       What products do they buy today:

·         What is it that they buy today and why?

3.       Why do you think they would buy your product           

·         Why would they switch?

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