Saturday, June 23, 2018


What ever we must be prepared.

LTL - Live Too Long - We must have sustainable financial in order to live long.

DTS - Die To Soon - As long as we care to our love ones. We must have wealth na maiiwan sa kanila para di sila magutom at makapamuhay ng maayos.


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Alam mo ba...

Alam mo ba na pag gumamit ka ng mighty bond at aksidenteng natuluan ang iyong kamay ay magdidikit ito sa iyong kamay..... ang mabisang pangtanggal ay johnsonn baby oil...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Support and Resistance.

support level is a level where the price tends to find support as it falls. This means that the price is more likely to "bounce" off this level rather than break through it. However, once the price has breached this level, by an amount exceeding some noise, it is likely to continue falling until meeting another support level.[2]
resistance level is the opposite of a support level. It is where the price tends to find resistance as it rises. Again, this means that the price is more likely to "bounce" off this level rather than break through it. However, once the price has breached this level, by an amount exceeding some noise, it is likely to continue rising until meeting another resistance level.

If a stock price is moving between support and resistance levels, then a basic investment strategy commonly used by traders, is to buy a stock at support and sell at resistance, then short at resistance and cover the short at support[9] 

This is an example of support switching roles with resistance, and vice versa:
If a stock price is moving between support and resistance levels, then a basic investment strategy commonly used by traders, is to buy a stock at support and sell at resistance, then short at resistance and cover the short at support[9] as per the following example:
When judging entry and exit investment timing using support or resistance levels, it is important to choose a chart based on a price interval period that aligns with your trading strategy timeframe. Short term traders tend to use charts based on interval periods, such as 1 minute (i.e. the price of the security is plotted on the chart every 1 minute). Longer term traders typically use price charts based on hourly, daily, weekly or monthly interval periods. Typically traders use shorter term interval charts when making a final decisions on when to invest, such as the following example based on 1 week of historical data with price plotted every 15 minutes. In this example, the early signs that the stock was coming out of a downtrend was when it started to form support at $30.48 and then started to form higher highs and higher lows. This signals a change from negative to positive trending.[citation needed]

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Suppy and Demand

The main ingredients of the stock market.

When supply increases, prices decline.

Marami ng nagbebenta (Supply) sa Ask ang laki ng harang, mabasag sana (Demand/Bid). Kapag di nabasag you know the drill run....

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Why Teach

Due to insistent public demand.

30th Oath Taking Ceremonies of Professional Teachers Response


There were many times in college when my scholarship allowance got delayed. The money I earned from working parttime wasn't always enough and there were days that I had to choose between spending for food and spending on readings and other school requirements. During the worst days, I could only afford to eat once a day and this is when my roommate shared me her food or lent me extra money.

There was a time, when I was absent from school for three consecutive days kasi kapos po talaga. One of my Health professors called me, akala ko po katapusan ko na, and that I'm in for a lengthy lecture on why I was skipping class. As I answered the phone, I heard the voice of a very concerned woman, asking me if I'm alright. She asked me to go to school the next day. After our class, she asked me to stay to discuss some matters. She talked to me, asking why I hadn't been going to school. There, I felt like I'm talking to a friend, not a professor. For the first time in my life, I told my story to someone whom I am not in a close, personal, relationship with. I cried as I told her the struggles of coming from a broken family and being a self-supporting student. She hugged me, told me that everything will be alright. She handed me money afterwards. I refused to take it but she insisted that I need to take it so I can eat. As we parted that day, her words left a mark on mind, "Cess, you have great potential. Alam ko, lahat ng sakripisyo mo, may kapalit. You will reap the fruits of your sacrifices soon."

True enough, through the help our Almighty God, my scholarships and my ever-supportive parents, friends and special someone, I am now reaping the fruits of my sacrifices.

To the Professional Regulatory Board for Professional Teachers, proud parents, guests and to my fellow newly licensed professional teachers, a pleasant morning to all of you. Never did it occur to me that I will be given this opportunity to speak in front of the new heroes who will nurture the minds of the hopes of the future generation. I am very honored.

A lot of people have asked me before, why I chose this profession.  Pwede namang maging engineer, maging scientist, isang architect o isang doktor, pero bakit isang guro? Why Teach?

I heard a lot of discouragements from people around me, remarks like "You will not get rich if you choose teaching. It is just a waste of your skills. Marami namang ibang courses na pupwede ka" . I know I am not the only one who share this kind of story. Lahat tayo at some point in our lives encountered such words of.. disapproval. But do you know what kept me going? Listen to me when I say that there would be no engineers, no doctors, no businessmen and no professionals if there were no teachers.

Teachers, like you, me, and the professor whom I talked about earlier, play a very important part in the lives of our  students. We are like pebbles thrown into the ocean, creating ripples of knowledge and influence. We are in charge of nurturing the minds of the future generation. We are here to inspire the youth, to keep striving until they reach their goals. Let us give them the quality education that they deserve. We, the teachers, have the ultimate calling of finding and helping develop in each student their true potentials. We are here to keep them dreaming even when there’s only the littlest hope. We are here to keep the light of hope burning; a hope for a better quality education that is accessible to all; a hope for a better Philippines. Let us be the catalyst of change, the driving force to lessen the ignorance in the country. Let us be the hand to guide those that are blinded by the current system. Let us be teachers for the Philippines and teach for a better Philippines.

When you're on the verge of giving up on your students because of the low salary, limited facilities and limited materials, remind yourself: "This is for my students.”
When you have to use your own money to buy chalks, erasers and other instructional materials, remind yourself: "This is for the betterment of my students' lives."
When you need to give that one student of yours financial assistance just to make him or her go back to school the following day, remind yourself: "This could change his or her life.”

Teachers, I want you all to seek within yourselves the answer to the question I raised earlier: "Why teach?" I know we each carry a unique answer to that. Try to hold onto that answer, and let that answer keep you from losing interest in teaching. I believe that now is the time that the Philippines needs us more than ever.

Passing the LET is just a start. The real challenge begins inside the classroom. So let us step our best foot forward and keep it at that and be a better version of ourselves for our students.

Mabuhay tayong mga bagong guro ng bayan!

Lady Princess Sanguyo-Marcelo, LPT

Friday, June 08, 2018



As parents, rules are needed for mutual understanding, respect and to avoid chaos.

Have you ever told your children to be at home by 7pm? Or, to finish their homework before they play, watch TV or go to a friend’s house?

Did they obey you?

They will if your relationship with them is strong.

In business, we need more than a good relationship. Business rules have to be “C.R.A.F.”-ted:

  • Clear,
  • Realistic,
  • Achievable, and
  • Fair.

When the rules are created, we need to be sure that everyone understood them.

And then, we need to be the first persons to follow these rules.  We need to set the example.

And most importantly, we have to take time to know each of our employees beyond work. We need to build a relationship with each of them because we are Pinoys.  With our culture, knowing them as people with their pains and dreams will go along, long way!

After all, our employees will be the ones to propel our business to success. If they trust and believe in us, they will follow and abide by our every rule.

Do you have employees who are a pain in the #@###?

Do they follow the rules even when you are not around?

What disciplinary actions do you give to employees who don’t follow the rules?

Are those effective?

Read. Learn. Apply.

Title of the chapter is “You Aren’t What You Drive”.
Sub-title: “They believe that financial independence is more important than displaying high social status”.

“Building wealth is not something that will change your lifestyle. Even at this stage of life, I don’t want to change the way I live.” 
“Something interesting recently happened. I discovered I was to be given a surprise present (from several close business associates). A Rolls-Royce for a present. It was ordered for me…special color, special interior…(They) ordered it about four months before (I found out about it)…Still had about five months (before delivery)."
“How do you go…and tell somebody who (wants to) give you a Rolls-Royce that you don’t want it?” 
“Why did Mr. Allan refuse to accept such a marvelous gift?”
“There’s nothing the Rolls-Royce represents that’s important in my life. Nor would I want to have to change my life to go along with (owning) the Rolls. I can’t throw fish in the back seat of the Rolls, like I do right now when I go fishing. I’m gonna have to get you all to the lake…I’m out fishing here every weekend. We have some of the best freshwater fishing in the country. Right out here…where I keep my fishing boat”.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Enjoy people before things.

In other words, invest in our relationship.

So spend your money on what truly matters.

Friend, God wants you to enjoy wealth.

But don't enjoy it alone. Enjoy it with others.

So true. Life is like die to soon or live too long. Whatever comes first we must be prepare.

Enjoy life to the fullest.

Monday, June 04, 2018

How to make seed balls.

Seed Ball Recipe

2 parts potting soil
5 parts pottery clay mix from your local art store
1-2 parts water
1-2 parts seeds of your choice.
Large tub to mix ingredients
Large box to dry and store seed balls

Mix the soil, clay and 1 part water thoroughly. There should be no lumps. Slowly add more water until the mixture is the consistency of the toy store molding clay that comes in a can. Add seeds.
Keep kneading the dough until the seeds are well mixed in.
Add more water if necessary. Take small bits of the clay mixture and roll into ball about one inch in diameter. The balls should hold together easily. If they’re crumbly, add more water.
Dry seed balls for 24-48 hours in a shady place before sowing or storing. They store best in a cardboard box.
Do not use plastic bags. The last step in how to make flower seed balls is sowing them.
Yes, you can place them carefully over the area to be planted or you can gently toss them one at a time, which is a lot more fun.
Don’t bury them and don’t water them. You’ve done your job, now sit back and leave the rest to Mother Nature.

Femur head surgery cost.

Femur head stainless steel cost Php50k. Orthopedic surgeon professional fee php 45k. Anestesiologist pf php17k. Internist pf php 3.4k. Total hospital bill php140k.