Friday, June 08, 2018

Read. Learn. Apply.

Title of the chapter is “You Aren’t What You Drive”.
Sub-title: “They believe that financial independence is more important than displaying high social status”.

“Building wealth is not something that will change your lifestyle. Even at this stage of life, I don’t want to change the way I live.” 
“Something interesting recently happened. I discovered I was to be given a surprise present (from several close business associates). A Rolls-Royce for a present. It was ordered for me…special color, special interior…(They) ordered it about four months before (I found out about it)…Still had about five months (before delivery)."
“How do you go…and tell somebody who (wants to) give you a Rolls-Royce that you don’t want it?” 
“Why did Mr. Allan refuse to accept such a marvelous gift?”
“There’s nothing the Rolls-Royce represents that’s important in my life. Nor would I want to have to change my life to go along with (owning) the Rolls. I can’t throw fish in the back seat of the Rolls, like I do right now when I go fishing. I’m gonna have to get you all to the lake…I’m out fishing here every weekend. We have some of the best freshwater fishing in the country. Right out here…where I keep my fishing boat”.

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