Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Formula for Achievement

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The Formula for Achievement

As I got older, the more I realized that the formula for creating great achievement is very simple:

Abilities x Attitude = Achievement

Achievements all boil down to two things: The quality of your abilities multiplied by the quality of your attitude equals the quality of your achievements.
I know a man who is a genius and an eloquent speaker. If I rate his abilities, he's a "10”. Sadly, his attitude sucks. He's a "negative 5”. When you multiply his abilities with his attitude, his long-term achievements is "negative 50”
What is attitude? It's how you relate to everything around you. It's how you relate to people, to God, to events, to situations, to problems, to challenges…
But here's what many people miss: How you relate to what's around you is based on how you relate to what's inside you.
In other words, your Attitude is based on your Self-Worth. World-class people like themselves. World-class people celebrate who they are. World-class people enjoy their uniqueness.
An 8-Inch Mindset
One day, a tourist saw a fisherman busy fishing. The fisherman was very skilled as he caught a lot of fish. But the tourist noticed that the fisherman had this strange behavior. If he caught a big fish, he threw it back to the lake. But if he caught a small fish, he'd put it in his container.
After seeing the fisherman do this strange behavior many times, he had to ask. He went up to the fisherman and asked, "Sir, I couldn't help but notice something strange about what you do. Normally, we keep the big fish and throw away the small fish. But you do the opposite. You throw the big fish and keep the small fish. How come?”
The fisherman said, "Oh that's simple. I have a small frying pan.”
I've met a lot of people who are just like that fisherman. They're stuck with an 8-inch Mindset.
Friend, God wants to bless us with abundance. He wants to bless us with growth, promotions, favor, and increase. But we throw all these away because we think we don't deserve that abundance. Somehow, we think we're stuck with that 8-inch frying pan.
Instead of throwing out the fish, throw out the frying pan of our small thinking, small vision, and small self-worth—and start expanding your thinking.
Once upon a time, I was just like that fisherman.
I saw myself as poor. I told everyone I was poor. I couldn't wear the clothes I'm wearing now. I insisted on wearing the crummiest shirts. I couldn't hang out with rich and successful people because I feel very unworthy and uncomfortable in their presence.
Opportunities to earn money and grow my money were all around me, but I kept saying NO because I didn't feel worthy of becoming rich.
But one day, when I was 30 years old, I threw away my 8-inch mindset. I threw away my small thinking, small believing, and small dreaming. I began to dream big. Today, I don't have an 8-inch mindset. I have an 8-kilometer mindset. Yes, my frying pan is so big, if God has a whale of a blessing for me, I'd receive it.
Many years ago, I remember writing on a Dream Book that one day, I would donate one million pesos to the ministry. When I wrote it down, I laughed. The figure was so impossible. How could a poor guy like me do that?
But today, I do this regularly. And I'm happy to say that most of my dreams have already come true.
Friend, do the same and witness many great miracles unfold in your life.

May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

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