Friday, April 19, 2019

Ask yourself

As you head into the weekend, I want you to question one thing: everything.

Every headline you read in your news feed… every subject line in your inbox… every “alert” flashing along the bottom of your TV screen… question everything that crosses your path and ask yourself, “Is it real… or is it fake?”

Ask yourself who’s spending money to develop it and promote it… and why.

Who stands to make money by creating the news article? Who stands to profit from you opening that email? Who benefits from the “This just in…” news story?

Most stuff advertised is complete garbage. A worldwide conglomerate selling you products you don’t need for ailments you don’t have.

Instead of filling your head with nonsense, I challenge you to spend one hour—just one hour—during this 60-hour weekend, to read, watch, or listen to something that will educate you about your finances.

It doesn’t have to be anything I promote.

But, if you need a kickstart, think about this: If there’s one thing that separates the rich from the poor, what is it?
To creating your opportunity,

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