Thursday, April 04, 2019

The Secret of Millionaire's Mind.

Principle #1
Don’t complain, condemn or criticize.

Simple logic.

Nobody wants to hear complains for the things that happens in the past. People want to hear HOW or WHAT you did to solve it.

Same teaching from T Harv Eker.

Rich people believe in “I create my life”
Poor people believe that “Life happens to me”.

Complaining is the worst thing that you can do to yourself especially to your health.

Because what you focus on expands.

What’s the word? Focus.

Now tell me, when you are complaining, what do you focus on?
What’s right with your life or what’s wrong with your life?

You focus on what’s wrong with your life.
And because what you focus on expands, what do you get? You’re gonna get more of whats wrong with your life.

And people will justify.
“Of course I complain! Look how crappy our government is!!!!!!! Grrrrrrr”

Read the reason in his book!
The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind

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