Sunday, August 25, 2019

A few common things which slow the elimination process are:

Antibiotics. If you have ever taken an antibiotic you have dramatically
slowed your elimination potential via the colon. Antibiotics
kill all the friendly bacteria in the intestine and colon. This allows
unfriendly yeast, most notably candida, to grow abnormally and
infest your digestive system. This candida yeast overgrowth slows
digestion, increases gas, bloating and constipation, and itself creates
an abnormal amount of toxins.
• Lotions and creams. Most people put lotions and creams all over
their skin clogging the pores and suppressing the natural elimination
process through the skin. This would include sunscreens, cosmetics,
deodorants, and antiperspirants.
• Lack of body movement. Have you ever noticed when you take a
dog for a walk, they poop? When you move your body as nature
intended, you increase the elimination process. Since most people
sit all day, their elimination cycles are suppressed. You should
have three bowel movements per day. When you eat food, it goes
through the digestion process and ends up in the colon ready for
elimination. The food in the colon begins to putrefy and become
toxic. The longer it stays in the colon, the more toxic it becomes. If
left long enough, these toxins begin to enter the bloodstream. This
can turn into a serious medical condition resulting in death. Your
body's elimination system must be working at optimal levels if you
want to live without illness and disease.

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