Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fely, Ipaubaya mo sa iba

Grow Your Business Pinoy via

Kumusta ka? Typhoon “Ineng” has left last weekend, pero ito naman si Jenny.

Binaha ba sa lugar ninyo? 

Are you one of those who went out of town but were stuck for hours in traffic
because of heavy rains and floods? 
Were you late for your appointment? 
I remember Miriam.

I was attending a seminar in Manila, and was quietly sitting and listening to
the speaker when a co-seminar attendee came rushing through the door.
She was 20 minutes late.
Panting, she sat beside me.  That was the only empty seat. She had no choice. 
When the resource person called for a sharing session, she beamed as she
recounted how happy she was.

She met a good Samaritan on her way to the seminar. 
Delightfully, with her eyes twinkling,  she shared her story.

She actually left her house early that day. While driving in SLEX, she
suddenly heard a slight rhythmic thumping sound. She cautiously
maneuvered her car towards the shoulder and finally, stepped on the brake.   

She stepped out of the car and found out the right rear tire was flat!

“I can do this,” she muttered to herself as she rolled up her sleeves and got
the tools out to replace the flat tire. After much sweating under the scorching
 7 A.M. sun, she succeeded in removing the flat tire in 15 minutes.

When it was time to get the spare tire from the compartment, she huffed and
puffed, used all her strength to push and pull.  Alas! The spare tire in the
compartment was stuck.

15 minutes of strategizing, analyzing and more pushing and pulling.

Still no luck!

Then, she saw a traffic officer riding a motorcycle heading towards her. After
asking her some questions, he rolled up his sleeves.  In a matter of seconds,
the spare tire was released, and he replaced the flat tire in no time.

She offered him some money as a token of her gratitude, but  the officer declined.

“Wow, meron pa din talagang matutulungin na Pilipino without expecting anything
in return,” I commented and she agreed.

She said: “I was 20 minutes late because of that flat tire, but I am thankful, kasi, I
 learned a valuable life lesson this morning.”

“Ano ‘yon?” I asked.


And then we both laughed.

When We Were Starting Our Businesses

I remembered then that back in the days when my husband, Angel and I were
starting our businesses, I did everything. I did the buying of the merchandise, I
did the selling, the collecting, and the accounting, etc. It was really exhausting,
especially accounting!

I even enrolled myself in Basic Accounting. And then, I re-enrolled myself, to
understand it better! But when I tried to apply it to our business, patay na! It
was so tedious and boring that I couldn’t discipline myself to do it consistently.

You see, I later realized that if it is not my core competency, I must NOT force
myself to do it. I would be BETTER off doing other stuff that I enjoy and that I
can do efficiently.

“Huwag mong ipilit.”

I have since accepted that Accounting is not my strength. Accounting is
my flat  tire,  and so, I delegated it to others who I know can do it
more accurately  and efficiently.

What Is Your Flat Tire

What about you? What is the flat tire in your business?

Do you think you can really replace that flat tire better and faster all by yourself?

Or is it more helpful to ask someone who enjoys doing it, and who can do it
better than you can?

To be more efficient and effective (and not stressed out!), I stick to my
core competencies. I hope you do, too.

Love always, 
Your Negosyo Mom

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