Thursday, August 22, 2019

Health - Detox Water

Do-it-Yourself Detox Water

2L of Purified Water + 1 Cucumber + 1 Lemon + 2 of tbsp Honey (steep overnight)

Health Benefits of Drinking Cucumber-Lemon water with Honey
1. It cleanses the intestines and improves the absorption of nutrients by the body. Drinking it regularly increases the peristalsis of gastrointestinal tract and cleanse your gut.

2. It helps people suffering from constipation by hydrating the colon and infuses water into dried stool.

3. It helps in digestion as citric acid in lemon interacts with other enzymes and acids, Thus increase secretion of gastric juice and digestion.

4. Anti-inflammatory properties of lemon helps body to fight infections of the respiratory tract and situation of sore throat.

5. It provide antioxidants to the body to fight against free radicals and this helps to get smooth & fairer skin.

6. It can reduce high blood pressure by 10%.

7. Intake of this Mix daily relieves heartburn.

8. Fibre called pectin in lemon water cut your cravings and thus helps in Weightloss.

9. Lemons are a highly alkaline food and cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

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