Sunday, August 25, 2019


People that are the healthiest are people with very low
stress levels. The common denominator of the healthiest people on
the planet is how they think and what they say. The mind can cause
the immune system to be incredibly strong and actually change the
genetic DNA structure in your body, preventing disease. What you
think and what you say can actually cure disease. Conversely, what
you think and what you say, in other words "stress," can absolutely
cause your immune system to be weakened and cause genetic weaknesses
in the body to become active causing you to develop illness
and disease. Stress, negative thoughts, negative words coming out
of your mouth, all are very powerful in turning your body pH either
acidic or alkaline. Remember, if your body's pH is acidic you have an
environment where illness and sickness can thrive. If your body pH
is alkaline you virtually can never get sick. By reducing stress, speaking
powerful positive words, and thinking powerful positive thoughts
you absolutely can turn your body pH to the state of alkaline and
reverse—yes, that's right, absolutely cure virtually every disease in
the body, all with the power of your mind.
So the summary, in very general, very simplistic terms is this:
The reason why you are sick is because you are putting more toxins
and chemicals in your body. Those toxins and chemicals are not coming
out of your body because you are not eliminating things like you
should. We are exercising more but we are not walking, and walking is
the major form of exercise that gives you the most health benefits. We
are not resting enough, so our body doesn't have a chance to rejuvenate
and recharge. Our thoughts are more negative because of the images
we are getting from television, magazines, newspapers and movies.
Think about the kids' games that they are playing and how horrific
those images are. The sounds we are hearing are not life enhancing, but
are actually having a powerful adverse affect on our physiology—turning
our body from alkaline to acid. And we are being bombarded by
more electronic chaos from cell phones, microwaves, satellite waves,
112 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About
electronic devices, computers, televisions, etc. We drive more than ever
before and, due to that, our stress levels keep going up and up, causing
our bodies to become more acidic and giving us a whole environment
which is conducive to sickness and disease. Our immune systems are
being suppressed and we are becoming more susceptible to illness.
Specifically, the drugs that we are taking are making our immune systems
weaker, and are putting so many toxins in our bodies that they are
in fact causing many additional illnesses.

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