Monday, September 23, 2019

Acid Reflux

Very simple stress-reducing techniques do in fact cure the incurable.
The mind is the most powerful curing mechanism you have. The
placebo effect proves that the mind can cure disease more effectively
than anything else on the planet. This is why when people write me
and ask me what is the cure for this, or what is the cure for that, I
always go back and say, "Do the things in Chapter 6 first, then come
back to me in four or five months and tell me what symptoms you still
have, if any." In most cases the people's symptoms are gone. When
people come up to me and ask me what the cure for their disease is,
what they are really asking is, "I have these set of symptoms, and
I would like some natural remedy to alleviate the symptoms." The
problem is, I can't give you a natural remedy if you are continuing to
do what is causing the symptoms. If you are taking nonprescription
and prescription drugs, if you still have Candida, or you still have stress
lodged in your mind, anything to alleviate the symptom is simply not
going to correct the problem in any significant way. When people come
up to me and say, "I have acid reflux. What can be done?" I then ask,
"How many drugs are you on?" They are on one, two, three, four or
more. The answer is, "I'll tell you what. Get off all the drugs, do the
Candida cleanse, and then come back in two months and tell me if you
still have acid reflux." If a person were to do that, their symptoms would
be gone. They don't understand that the reason they have acid reflux
is because the root cause of it has not been addressed. The root causes
of virtually all disease are nonprescription and prescription drugs. You
must get off the drugs. The problem, though, is all the drugs you have
taken since you were a baby have a residual effect. They do not leave
the body 100 percent; much of the drug stays in the fatty tissues in the
cells, and you must get the drugs out. That is why I recommend doing a
Candida cleanse, a liver cleanse, a gall bladder cleanse, a colon cleanse,
and a full body-fat cleanse. This gets the toxins out. If the toxins stay
there, your symptoms will persist. You can do natural things to alleviate
404 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About
the symptoms on the short term, but the cause remains and the symptoms
will either reappear or reappear in some other part of your body.
Symptoms always appear in the genetically weak areas of your body.

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