Saturday, September 07, 2019

No One.

This is very important.
Most people I talk to do not understand or comprehend the amount of
toxicity that gets into the body. When we talk about health, nutrition,
disease and illness, most people only think about drugs and surgery.
More "aware" people consider food. However, when people consider
food they only think of calories, fats, carbohydrates, or proteins. No one
ever really talks about the processing of food and the chemicals put in
the food. Very few people even consider all the chemicals and toxins
that get in through the skin. Very few people consider the physiological
affects of what comes in through the eyes in the form of negative
images on television. Almost no one considers the negative physiological
affects that sound vibrations have on the body that come in through
the ears. Very few people consider the toxins that are in the air that we
breathe that come in through the nose. Why are we sick? The answer
is, first and foremost, the massive amount of toxins that are getting into
your body. These toxins are one of the major reasons why illness is so
rampant today. Unless these toxins are addressed, you will continue to
get sick and you will be unable to cure yourself permanently of any illness
and disease you may have.

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