Sunday, September 08, 2019

There are three elements of proper rest:

1. The time in which you rest. The most optimum time for the body
to rest is when the sun is no longer shining. Ideally, a person would
rest and sleep when the sun goes down and arise when the sun
comes up. This is the natural cycle. However, most people's lifestyles
do not allow this. Therefore they are resting and sleeping at
non-optimal times. Each week a lunar cycle occurs starting at sundown
every Friday ending at sundown every Saturday. This time
period is absolutely the most ideal time for the body to recharge
and rejuvenate.

2. The amount of hours you rest. Although every person is different, it
appears that every person operates better when getting eight hours
of sleep. People operate worse if they receive fewer hours or more
hours. The majority of people sleep less than eight hours, and then
try to catch up by occasionally sleeping more hours. This practice
does not allow optimal recharging and rejuvenation of the cells in
your body.

3. Rest and sleep should be deep. Most people toss and turn at night.
The ideal situation is that you virtually do not move for the entire
sleep time. When sleep is full and deep, brainwave activity can
occur, which stimulates the healing process throughout the body.
A person who snores wakes themselves up an average of 300 times
per night. A person who snores never gets into the deepest levels of
sleep, and thus their body is never operating at optimal efficiency.

There is a difference between sleep and rest. The body can rest
without going to sleep. Most people never take a "rest" during the day.
The common pattern of waking up, working all day nonstop, going to
bed late, never getting a full deep eight hours of peaceful sleep, results
in a body that slowly begins to break down and never has a chance to
heal and recharge. If you were to take a battery powered device and
leave it on until the battery died, and compare that to turning the
device on for a period of time then off for a period of time, and repeating
this process several times, you would find the battery life can be as
high as twice as long as nonstop usage. The body is very much like a
battery. The body operates almost identically, utilizing electric current
throughout. It must be given a chance to rest. If a person did nothing
else but get proper rest and sleep, their energy levels would skyrocket
and the amount of illness and disease they experience would go down

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