Wednesday, October 09, 2019


PROLOGUE: Trump owns  residential and commercial complex in Turkey. Now this: He sides with Turkey, abandoning the Kurds, our longtime ally battling against ISIS in Syria. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a report by The Guardian: “A precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime…and it would increase the risk that Isis and other terrorist groups regroup.”

“11,000 Kurds died fighting ISIS and now the US is abandoning them — who will help America next time?

US President Donald Trump's announcement late Sunday night that the US would withdraw troops from northeastern Syria was a stunning betrayal of the US's Kurdish partner forces in the fight against ISIS, military leaders and experts say.

Kurdish forces have sustained nearly 11,000 casualties in the fight against ISIS; now, they prepare for a new battlefront against a Turkish invasion into Syrian territory they control, while the US watches.

"The value of an American handshake is depreciating," Brett McGurk, who resigned from his post as Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL last December over Trump's announcement that he would pull all US troops from Syria, tweeted.

"Trump today said we could 'crush ISIS again' if it regenerated," McGurk wrote. "With who? What allies would sign up? Who would fight on his assurances?"

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