Thursday, January 30, 2020


A repost worth reflecting on:

The beginning of 2020 has revealed enough for deep reflection:

That giant Australia is not at all invincible from fire…
That mighty China could be shaken by enemies that are too small to be seen…
That what we view small is a fully destructive Volcano…
That what we see as a basketball star could fall into a deadly crash…

Things are, indeed…
never too big nor too small…
never too high nor too low…
never too powerful nor too faint…
never too wealthy nor too broke…
never too famous nor too ordinary…

Whatever our condition is, …
we are all equal…
we are all important…
we are all gifts…
our current status does not define us at all…
what we have or possess is never a mighty protective armor…

So, in life…
don’t be rude…
don’t be greedy…
don’t be selfish…
don’t be ill-mannered…
don’t be crabbed…
don’t be wicked…
don't be unempathetic...
don’t be messy…
don’t be all knowing…
don’t be deceitful…
don’t be domineering…

After all…
we are not invincible
we are not mighty
we are not immortal

The early part of 2020 has lots of revelations.
It is never too late to be good.

📸 #ctto

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