Saturday, February 22, 2020

For things to change, first I must change.

For things to change, first I must change.

1. BE brave enough to change.
2. TIME matters.
3. CLEAR your mind.
4. SAY it.
5. SEE it.
6. BE it.
7. MOVE it.
8. BECOME a book worm.
9. WRITE it down.
10. MINIMUM time MAXIMUM impact.

Let’s review what those steps are:
1. Clear your mind: Spend a few minutes meditating and being mindful of what is going
on within your body. Tune out the world and yourself.
2. Say it: Create specific, action-based affirmations about the steps necessary to
achieve your goal.
3. See it: Visualize those steps in vivid detail. Train your brain to accomplish them.
4. Move it: Get the oxygen and blood flowing; it not only helps energize your day, but those few
minutes help you benifit your health.
5. Become a bookworm: Seek out books that can teach you knowledge and skills to accomplish
your goals.
6. Write it down: Record specifics on what you’re grateful for, or use your journaling time
to set your priorities for the day and create an action plan based on your affirmations and

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