Saturday, February 01, 2020


LET US PRAY!!! (just 2 minutes)

Almighty Father
creator of Heaven and earth and everything in between,
we humbly come before You with thanks giving in our hearts,
asking for Your never ending mercy.

We lift Your name on high,
above any name that has ever existed,
our Father and creator,
we ask You to bless,
protect and to pour Your supernatural favor upon us,
our children,
spouses and friends.

God we ask You today for divine intervention in our lives,
we ask for Your touch in all areas of our
be it a new job,
freedom from debt,
rebuilding of our relationships with our
spouses and friends.

We pray for world peace, for Your divine intervention on US and IRAN.

We pray for immediate cure of illnesses, especially with the Novel Coronavirus epidemic on Wuhan, China, and with those being diagnosed and treated on some parts of the world right now.

We pray for relief and reinstatement of those affected by natural calamities all over the world.

Father any situation You touch,

We pray for protection during the storm and for those who feel unloved and unworthy.

"Jesus, You are my strength, I love You, I need You, heal me and heal my family."
Let's pray together: Today Lord, thank you for the wonderful day.
For food, for another day of work and especially for one more day of life.
Lord, bless my friends and enemies because they need You.
Lord, bless the person who has just prayed with me, fulfill his/her dreams, give him/her victories that are necessary to him/her, Lord bless us a grateful hearts always, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Pass this prayer very quickly, as much as you can, and in moments, many people will be praying with you. May God bless you and your family.
Amen. 🙏🙏🙏

Copy and paste if you’d like to join in! ♥️

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