Wednesday, February 05, 2020

What we need as Filipino's.

Democracy or democrazy?

Some people tend to call me a dictator because I propose for a disciplinarian government along with the fact that I applaud Singapore as one model for progress. Aside from my posts on having a well-balanced economy - I would also propose it's time for the Philippines to really learn discipline. I would like to address the fact that the Philippines cannot really expect progress unless people first learn to follow guidelines. If you observe day by day, a lot of Filipinos do not practice any discipline. Do observe how many of them just throw their garbage anywhere in contrast to those who throw their garbage in the right places. You can see how reckless driving is very rampant no thanks to loose traffic enforcement. Go to the government office and you can see people who refuse to line up properly and workers who refuse to do them properly. In short, it's all a result of not following guidelines.

If the government starts implementing policies that make the Philippines a real fine country like making civil offenses like those misdeeds mentioned above, just think how much progress will happen. Just think what if people got also fined for littering, vandalism, wasting water, public smoking and the like? I would really think that it discourages bad behavior as it should be discouraged. I am not saying that the current constitution should criminalize everything like lock people up for littering garbage anywhere or spitting in public but rather, fining them would at least be a reminder. Jailing should be done for habitual civil offenses but not to be locked up with people who did criminal offenses. I could care less what idiots like Etta Rosales will have to say about discipline because they are a bunch of idiots who don't uphold human rights but only a culture of impunity. Learning to follow simple guidelines is indeed a real straight road to progress and not the stupid Pwede Na Yan system.

Do I say democracy is really evil and that the Philippines should become a dictatorial state? Not really, I don't support a despotic reign either. The problem of the Philippines is not a democracy but a kind of democracy that ruins the country. Democracy is defined as a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. In the Philippines, the problem is that the majority of the people are stupid people who think they are smart and the smart ones who are frequently put down by stupid people. I have experienced it that whenever I try to post an intellectual post and quote intellectual people, they say I am stupid and that the people I quote are stupid. It's incredibly funny how people who call me stupid may turn out to be high school dropouts and losers in life.

The Philippine version of democracy as of late is best called a government by stupid people, for stupid people, and of stupid people. So it turns out Lee Kwan Yew didn't say it or did he? Even if Lee didn't say it but it can't be denied Filipinos themselves can see the problem isn't democracy but a democracy without restraint. Granted, I'm just a nobody so I was probably misled by that statement! The result is you get a government that buys the people, poor the people and offs the people. Because whoever is voted is the winner no matter how stupid he or she is - that person gets the seat in power. When you think about it majority of the Filipino people are to blame for bad politics. But what's the root cause then?

Any good authority figure will do what is right for the country even if the whole country will turn against him. The problem with the Philippines is that most of the politicians are bootlickers and crowd-pleasers. When people continue to want economic overprotectionism the government is most likely to give it instead of weighing the consequences for the long run, such people only think of the economics for the short run. The same goes for why squatters are getting their rights to squat - it's no thanks to that most people in the Philippines choose to be squatter-brained and that they support squatters as merely "informal settlers" when in fact they are a serious problem. When a good leader does not obey the voice of a majority decision that makes a country go bad - it's not that he is a dictator. He's a leader who truly cares about accountability and responsibility.

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