Friday, April 10, 2020

Obeyed willingly and cheerfully.

Many years ago, my wife and I experienced some difficulties with our cash flow. There were also a lot of expenses the previous month that drained us financially, but we were not in despair as we know the Lord always provide – something we can testify about over and over again. However, as the head of my family, my anxiety is heightening and my usual problem with worrying has started to get in my psyche. One Sunday, I was down with my last ₱200.00 in my wallet and was still unsure about the inflow of funds in the next few days. During the service, I felt the Lord telling me to give ₱100.00 my offering … it was a very small amount yet it represented half of what I have at that time. Since I felt the Lord wanted me to do so, I obeyed willingly and cheerfully.

That Sunday night, my daughter asked me if we are letting her attend her school Prom and if we are, the deadline of paying the required ₱4,000.00 fee was due on Monday. I explained to my daughter that we are tight on cash and it’s not on our priority at the moment. My daughter was okay with our decision and understood our situation. When I picked her up from school, I was a bit quiet as I was thinking about our immediate cash flow when my daughter told me that her friends all chipped in for her so she can attend the Prom. As she was telling us, tears of joy were running down her cheeks. I was tugged in the heart with the generosity of people, my daughters deep understanding and her appreciative disposition. Yet, I felt a rebuke from the Lord – telling me “see, I told you I’ll take care of everything for you”.

The next day, I received a text from my wife that really surprised me. She said that she received ₱4,000.00 from a couple who are very close to us. When she asked what for, they felt that they want to bless us, an overflow of the blessings they have been receiving. I again felt the Lord telling me “see, I told you I’ll take care of everything for you.”

So what kind of return did I get from my ₱100.00? 7,900% in 3 days! In all their brilliance, Warren Buffet, George Soros or Robert Kiyosaki can’t even match 1/10th of a return when we compare it with our investment in God’s economy.

My take away lesson here is not that the Lord blesses us – that’s already a given. The lesson that was glaring for me is my lack of faith because I chose to rely on my own understanding, on my own wits. My logical mind has once more relegated my perception of the Lord’s grace, putting God in a box. Lord forgive me.  I must always remember this scripture and write it in my head and in my heart:

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”. (Hebrews 11:1, NIV)

A return of 7,900% with zero risk is nothing – God has already given us His everything in Christ Jesus… all for Him to risk and for us to gain.

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