Saturday, May 30, 2020

Be Grateful

Skype meeting kahit dayoff heheh
Kidding aside, treat this as a contribution, your contribution to keep the wheels of this world rolling.
kinopya ko lang to.

If you are still working today, either at the comfort of your home or required to work onsite, be grateful.  Do your best to survive with your employers -- do not abuse and learn to appreciate.

Per DOLE, almost 2.6M employees in the Philippines had been displaced or lost their jobs due to COVID19 pandemic. This is expected to increase up to 5M Filipinos -- actual workers! On top of the number of unemployed Filipinos. Tough times nowadays.

If your employer now asks you to become effective, do more. Ask how you can be more productive.

If your boss asks you on your output, be more proactive and transparent. For sure, your boss' boss is also getting the efficiency and effectiveness pressure.

If your Manager requires more virtual meetings, attend and participate. Your Manager needs to ensure lines of communications are clear to achieve goals.

If you are asked to login on-time, check in ahead of time, be more responsive. It is never easy to manage teams and processes remotely.

If you received a task, be proactive to complete the activity before the deadline. Never wait for your Manager to follow through on you.

If you are still receiving your usual allowances in spite of lockdown, be thankful even more. The intention of continuing support is loud and clear. You must collaborate.

If your Manager keeps an eye on you, never complain. Your Manager also wanted to keep his job.

If your employer asks you to take mandatory time off, be thankful, balancing priorities are never easy as the market is non-responsive.

If you need to do personal things during your working hours, keep it at very minimum disruption to output. Output is always more important than input. Outcomes is what always matters, do your role and deliver.

Non essential industries are impacted with market decline - expect the possible worst recession in our lifetime, economies and public health are in priority conflict globally.

If you tend to forget, you signed up as a professional worker with clear roles to contribute and goals to achieve. If these are not happening right now, check yourself.

Be grateful. Appreciate what you have today. Not many people have the same choices and privileges as you.


#copyandpaste #practicinggratitude

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