Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Copied this from the post of my friend, Jocelyn Badiola. Very practical suggestions on how we can help in these extraordinary times.

Patronize local goods. 

👍For those who can afford it, spend.  The way out of this recession is consumption.  That extra expense for you might be a lifeline for others.  

👍Hire people for even the most mundane work, even if you can do it yourself.  

👍Buy that “walis” being sold by peddlers selling their wares near your village gates, you will need it soon.

👍Buy those flowers being sold by “ate” in the streets, and give it to your loved one!

👍Buy that “trapo” from the kids in the streets, even if you have canisters of microfiber cloths at home.  

👍Don’t bargain too hard, they have 3 months of catching up. 

👍Let’s support restaurants, barber shops, clothing stores and all business establishments within our reach who are slowly re-opening their commercial lives.

👍Be overly generous with your tips and offer kind words like “I miss being here” (and see their eyes light up through their masks).  

👍Buy an extra meal or two and offer it to the unemployed, stranded, or anyone hungry begging for their next meal.

👍Appreciate the servers, salesmen, security guards, waiters, deliverymen, “wash/watch-your-car boys,” and everyone else you meet on the street for what they do. You have no idea what struggles they are going through.

Practice physical, NOT SOCIAL distancing.

Share this and let’s all contribute and pull this country out of recession.🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

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