Sunday, July 05, 2020

In honor of american.

In honor of American Independence this year, this generation is called to live our pro-life values, our patriotism, and our respect and appreciation for those who are in the frontline in the war against the pandemic by doing one simple but effective life-saving thing:

WEAR A MASK. This should have never been a political issue. This is a medical emergency issue and should have never been politicized especially by the President of the United States.

WEAR A MASK. Wear a mask with pride and dignity and feel how this simple act will relay your love for God, for the country and other people. Conversely, other people will likewise look up to you with respect and appreciation. This, along with social distancing, personal hygiene, is our formidable arm in this war against the virus. This is an important effort we all can do toward creating “a more perfect union” during this challenge of our time.

WEAR A MASK. The life you save may be your own or the lives of your loved ones. We can make a difference. We can do this. We can do this together. We are all in this together!

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