Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Old days memories.

 As a kid, I grew up in Makati area ... Regardless of the weather, our dinner time was at 6:00PM, so we should be home at that time, bed time was 9:00PM. The house gate was locked at 9pm. No one is allowed to go out. 

Eating out at a restaurant was a huge deal, and usually to celebrate a special occasion.

There were no fast foods during our time, and having a bottle of soft drinks or an ice-cream from the local shop was a real treat. Boy oh boy!... Pass your final exams and then you may get a new pair of shoes or set of clothes!...😉😁

You took your school clothes off as soon as you got home and put on your ‘pambahay’ clothes. There was no taking or picking you up in the car, you either boarded the school bus, rode on public transport!  or simply walked to/from school. You got home did your chores and your homework after dinner. 

We didn’t have gadgets, cabletv, wifi or Netflix, we had only a few channels 2-13 to watch, and not available 24/7.

We played tumbang preso, taguan, kites, marbles, jack stones, and any other game we could come up with.....  At home, we were stuck to chess, scrabbles, snakes and ladders...

Staying shut in the house was a PUNISHMENT and the only thing we knew about "bored" was --- "You better find something to do before I find it for you!" 😦..

We played music with phonograph, magnetic tapes or listened to the radio. 

We went to the local market for groceries and candy used to be a few cents or at the most one cent.

We ate what Mom made for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even snacks were homemade. Bottled water was unheard of. We drank tap water. While playing outside, straight from the faucet or water hose and at home, cool water from the banga.

We weren't AFRAID OF ANYTHING.  We played until late afternoon and sunset was our alarm to be home.

We hung around with real friends not virtual. We rode our bicycles or walked to meet our friends at their houses. Friends houses were extension of our home.

If anyone had a fight, that's what it was but we were friends again a week later, if not SOONER.

We watched our MOUTHS around our elders because ALL of our aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, AND our parents' best friends were all extensions of our PARENTS and you didn't want them telling your parents if you misbehaved! Or they would give you something to cry about.

We respected the Police, Firemen, Ambulance workers, Teachers, Doctors and Nurses. 

We never answered back..... EVER!! -- walang "Wait lang" to elders!...

We were punished at school for not doing homework, being late to class or being naughty. 

Those were the good days. So many kids today will never know how it feels to be real kid the way we used to be 😁.  I loved my childhood and all the friends I hung around with. Good Times.. 🤓😘

Copy and paste if you are from the same #generation.... 🙂👌.

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