Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Q - May advantage po ba ang pagiging conservative? Disadvatage?

A - Advantage: Puedeng MAS "SAFE". Less risk of going wrong or being harmed by new or yet unknown elements.

Disadvatage: Kulong ka. Kaya ka "safe", nakakulong ka kasi. Hindi ka nga mapuntahan ng "danger" pero hindi ka rin makalabas; di ka makapunta sa freedom, fulfillment, new discoveries.

"Conservative" means that: Conserve!

= Preserve. Don't change. Freeze. Don't move. Don't circulate. Stay within the circle/box. Have walls around you to "protect" you from outside "threats". (But stay as a prisoner within your wall of safety.)

Conservatives seek safety and comfort in attaching to the past, especially to the ideas /principles /beliefs developed and institutionalized by people who belong to the past (who are not abreast with present realities). 

To be conservative is to live only within the walls of the past.

To be conservative in belief is to subscribe to the beliefs, interpretations and ideas of others who lived in the past and not risk thinking for oneself in one's own time and place.

- Ed Lapiz

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