Thursday, October 08, 2020

Life isn't a race. Walk slowly.

 Here’s my entry re #dropyourhonorschallenge. This is not to brag. I hope pupils and students who will read this will come to realize why it isn’t all about those f*cking GRADES.

Elementary: Class Valedictorian

High School: Class Valedictorian & UPCAT Passer qualified to U.P. Diliman

College: Magna Cum Laude/ International Exchange Student to United States of America under Work & Travel Program/ PRC LET Passer & Civil Service Eligible

At Present: Graduate School Drop-out. Single. Unemployed. Broke AF. No investments. Nada. Starting from scratch and patuloy na lumalaban...

Lesson: Nothing wrong to always academically excel in school dahil ang honors, awards, and other recognitions, they are not always served on a silver platter, pinaghihirapan at pinagpupuyatan yan. You can use it to your advantage later on but it does NOT always guarantee success in life. Class Valedictorians don’t always fare well in life, they don’t always become rich & famous, because while their IQs are high, their EQs are low. They’re booksmart yes but they’re always edged out by those who are streetsmart. You may Google the story of Shaira Luna, 1/3 of the 90’s Promil genius kids, who at some point became an underachiever. It took her awhile to find her true passion. People expected her to become a renown scientist or a world-class flutist. But she has become a photographer.

To teachers and parents, more than educating children academically, please hone their talents and skills because it will help them figure out what they want to pursue in life, and take good care of their mental and emotional well-being.

To pupils and students, study hard for learning and not for numbers. Grades are just a bonus. Compete with no one. How you will ace life after school is the real challenge.

To everyone who feel like they haven’t achieved anything yet in life, Chill. We have different timelines. Carry on. It is never too late to re-invent yourself, pursue your passion, and find that happiness. 

Some people know what they want and become successful at a young age. Others find it later in life.

Pursue what makes you truly happy and fvck off those timeline and timetable, pressure and deadline imposed by the society on you.

Comparison breeds misery. If your classmates or batchmates are now happily married, have stable jobs, have professional titles, live in beautiful houses, driving the latest car models, or are always traveling overseas, just be happy for them. 

Life isn’t a race. Just keep going. Things will eventually fall into proper places. You may not have all the things that others have but when along the way you discover what is your true purpose in life, you’ll be delighted. That. Will. Complete. You.


I’m writing this not for clout. Actually, sumisikip dibdib ko while holding back my tears. I could’ve shelved my personal story but I believe this may somehow be someone else’s survival guide. So I’m sharing a piece of me.

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