Monday, November 23, 2020

Improve blod flow.

 How to improve blood flow in your body?

1. Exercise

- Exercise whenever you can to boost your circulation. Get into the habit of finding activities you enjoy doing, as any type of physical activity that gets your blood pumping is good. You can walk, bike, run, swim or anything else that you like. If your circulation is already poor, start by doing some gentle exercise and move on gradually to something a bit more challenging.

2. Stretch

- Make sure that every hour you get up to stretch your body or do small exercise for 3-5 minutes. This is especially important for people who sit at the desk all day and don’t have the habit of walking around. You can try doing little arm circles, touching your toes with your hands or have a short walk. It’s important not to stay too long in one position and take regular breaks.

3. Massage

- Massage, like exercise, increases circulation by stimulating blood flow in the area being massaged. Many times you feel certain part of your body to be tight and tense and you may even have inflammation. By massaging these muscles, you will release natural occurring toxins within the body and achieve better blood circulation. 

4. Elevate your legs

- Elevating your legs is a good way to increase your circulation and relax at the same time, and it gives you a break from standing for extended periods of time.

5. Healthy eating

- Eat healthy foods and avoid unhealthy foods. Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats (found in fish oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds). Avoid consuming processed foods, foods rich in sugar or salt, and foods rich in unhealthy fats (saturated and trans fats). Also eat spicy foods, such as cayenne pepper, garlic and ginger, as they increase your body’s temperature, which increases blood flow.

6. Drink enough water and reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption

- Staying hydrated during the day is essential for the organs to perform their daily functions. When you drink enough water, oxygen levels in your blood increase, leading to better circulation and improving your overall health. Most experts recommend consuming 8-12 glasses of water a day. It’s also beneficial to reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption.

7. Hydrotherapy

- Try taking a hot bath or a hot shower. Hot water helps to relax tense muscles and increases blood circulation and allows oxygen to flow more smoothly throughout the body. 

8. Use hot and cold treatment

- This involves alternating between cold and warmth on the affected body part. Apply heat, such as hot packs for 30 seconds or so, and then switch to cold pack. This could even be a bowl of warm water and a different bowl of colder water.

9. Quit smoking

- If you can, quit smoking. I know it’s not easy, otherwise it wasn’t the problem of millions of people. Not only is smoking bad for your health, nicotine is among the leading causes of circulation problems.

10. Manage stress levels

- Over time stress can have negative effects on the body’s circulation. When we are stressed, the stress effect shifts blood flow away from the skin to support the heart and muscle tissues. Find ways to relieve stress, such as regular exercise, listening to a music, breathing exercises, meditation or psychotherapy.

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