Sunday, January 03, 2021

Be happy it's your choice.

 Being a stay at home wife isn’t living in pajamas and eating chocolate with rollers in your hair. It’s choosing to create a haven for your husband and family, it’s managing the tasks of the household so your husband can come home and shake off his long day at work. It’s making a choice to do the dirty work, the unappreciated work, and the work that no one else wants to do (I’m talking about you, toilets…).

And even though there are many people who just don’t “get it”, people who believe the stereotype and will shame your decision to stay home, your role isn’t defined by someone’s opinions.

(And it’s not your job to get in their face and prove them wrong, it’s your job to quietly and respectfully do your job – be a homemaker – and hope that one day they’ll see that not all stay at home wives are the way they’re portrayed in movies.)

As a stay at home wife, you have the opportunity to take life slower. Rather than jumping out of bed, quickly making breakfast and a cup of coffee then running out the door so you’re not late for work, you can wake up with your husband and help make his work morning just a bit more relaxed and easier. Then after he leaves for work, you can focus on the work laid out for you at home.

here are some of the advantages of being a stay at home wife…

*You get to focus, learn, and grow in your role as a homemaker

*If your husband has time off work you can escape for a few days together without having to ask your boss for time off

*You learn how to be happy with less

*You learn the value of money and how to thrive on a budget

*You gain a greater appreciation for the things you do have

*Impulse buying becomes a thing of the past

You’ll learn how to become creative with date night

*The value of quality time will be far greater than fleeting gifts

*You’ll learn how to focus on the blessings of life rather than the challenges.

“All this from choosing to quit my job and stay home?” YES – being a stay at home wife is so much more than just a title.

But, it’s also not for the faint of heart. There are plenty of challenges, whether financial, relational or others altogether that will come your way.

i want this, kaya kakayanin ko ito. 

those who judge na "tinatamad na daw ako magtabaho" ... cge lang judge ka lang, wala akong pake sa iyo basta ako masaya ako.

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