Thursday, January 07, 2021

Rip Danny Lim

 An Officer and A Gentleman

The Soldier as a Rebel

Goodbye Sir Danny.

I cant help but mention some of the personalities who left a mark in the Philippine  Military. Of the many whom i admire, Brig. General Danilo  Lim   would be the foremost.

He was born Danilo Delapuz  Lim on June 2, 1955 in Solano Nueva Vizcaya. His father, He Yia Lim was a rice trader whose roots can be traced back to Xiamen, China. His mother Catalina Delapuz was from Bohol. The Lims were rice traders but the elder Lim died when Danny was two years old.

His proficiency in Math made him pass his Elem and High School with flying colors. What is astounding in him is his penchance for being the topnotcher. He was in his first year at the University of the Philippines when he took the PMA entrance exams. He topped the exams. While still a Plebe at PMA, he took the entrance exams at US Military Academy at West Point. He topped the exams. He was the only guy i know who topnotch and was admitted at UP, PMA, and West Point all in a matter of one year.

After graduation from West.Point, he opted to serve in the Philippine Army. He took the Scout Ranger Couse where he graduted no. 1.

He preffered to be assigned to Jolo, Sulu after that. He commanded the forward Recon Unit of the 1st Infantry ( Tabak )

Division where he was twice wounded in combat.

He was also recruited with the Reform  the Armed Forces Movement ( RAM ) as a Captain and one of the officers who led 

the 1st Scout Ranger Regiment in a coup d etat against Cory Aquino government in what is now known as the Siege of Makati in 1989.

He was also involved in the Manila Peninsula incident together with Sen. Antonio Trillanes 1V,  Capt. Nicanor Faeldon and Oakwood Mutineers calling for the ouster of then President Gloria Arroyo.

Because of this Gen. Lim was under detention for four years until he was granted freedom by the AFP on 2010.

He was assigned as Deputy Customs Commissioner at the Bureau of Customs by President Benigno Aquino but resigned in 2013 because he cannot stomach the rampant corruption in the Bureau.

On May 22, 2017, President Rodrigo Duterte appointed him Chairman of the MMDA.

Gen. Lim tested positive for Covid 19, on December 29, 2020. He died January 6, 2021 due to Cardiac Arrest.

May your ideals and principles continue to shine and your spirit of hope never fade but glow as a beacon to all of us.

Goodbye, Sir General Danny.

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