Thursday, February 25, 2021

Allergy test how?

 For patients with Allergic Rhinitis, the single most effective way of treating is allergy avoidance. For you to avoid, you first need to identify the allergen and this can be done thru diagnostic procedures. 

There are two main ways to test for allergies.

The best type of allergy test, which has a higher degree of accuracy, is to perform a Skin Prick Test.

How this test is done is: An allergist or a medical doctor trained in this procedure will mark your back and then apply an extract of different allergens using a skin prick to scratch the surface of the skin. If you are allergic, your skin will show redness, possibly hives and you will experience itching at the site. This enables you to see exactly what your skin reacts to through direct contact.

The other test is a blood test called Immunoglobulin E RAST (Radio Immune Assay Test). This measures antibodies and immunoglobulin E levels to a particular antigen. The RAST is more expensive and at times not as accurate. The allergist cannot actually see the results on your skin.

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