Thursday, March 25, 2021

Is my Sorethroat due to covid?

 Is my Sorethroat due to Covid ? 

Although colds is the one of the most common complaints of patients with Covid but often disregarded especially for patients with rhinitis. A sore throat complaint however is the usual reason why a patient would consult an ENT. The question often asked, is this already Covid ? 

There is no real difference between a COVID and a non-COVID sore throat. However, it's important to take into account the external factors that may cause the pain.  A sore throat could feel like your throat actually hurts, or gets irritated. Some even experience a mild burning or itching sensation, which can get worse when swallowing food or water. Sometimes, a hoarse or muzzled voice, developing white patches (only clinically seen) or swelling can intensity a sore throat.

That being said, if you suspect your sore throat to be a sign of COVID-19, there are steps to be taken.

It hasn't been really made clear yet at what point does a sore throat develop in a COVID-19 case. However, it is a common symptom, more so, if you have been in close contact of someone recently detected COVID-19 positive.  The only real way to clear your doubts would be to get a COVID-test done (RT PCR swab test). If you suspect an infection and feel no difference in your symptoms in a matter of two-three days, a test could help provide a better prognosis.

It's important to also be on the lookout for other symptoms, such as dry cough, fever, headache, shortness of breath, consider it a sign to talk to the doctor at the earliest. As a precautionary sign, start self-isolating and take measures of disinfection to protect the ones around you.

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