Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Pray for Myanmar.

 #MYANMAR URGENT PRAYER REQUEST from HeartCry Missionaries 

“Dear loving Brethren,

I am writing this Report with a broken and trembling heart. My eye is filled with sadness and tears of hurt. First of all I want to beg you to pray for our safety and protection. I pray that the angel of the Lord will continue to surround every home in our country.

The military has taken control and is killing civilians. Every day we needed to collect dead bodies on the road with tears and pains. Banks are being shut down, and it isn’t easy to get online.

It breaks my heart so much. Everywhere is filled with smoke and fire as factories are burned and destroyed. Thousands of people don’t have work, food, and a place to stay now.

Almost all of our church members ran back to their village. There is neither market nor a shop where we can buy food because every road is blocked now. How long will we last if it continues like this!?

Just a while ago, the soldiers’ truck came and stopped near our house. We were terrified; they captured six people who were having tea in the shop. We don’t know what they will do to them. God is my only Hope.

All missionaries are suffering the misery of this greatly. My faithful missionary friend has a wife who is about to give birth, and there is no hospital opened. He said to me they would deliver the baby themselves in their small house by trusting God.

Dear friends, I have two small little girls, one is two years, and another is six months; I don’t care if I don’t have food to eat, but I think much for them and their safety. May you continue to uphold us in your prayer for our safety, provision, and protection. Soldiers are catching people from every house, and now they are near to us. Please pray for us.”

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