Friday, April 16, 2021

Bo S. Covid 19 diary

 Me And My Wife’s Little Twin Stars Tub

Cute, right?  The Tub.  Not me.

As mentioned, I don’t filter my photos.

The other day, my mustache made me look like a cactus.

Today, I feel much better.

I now look like John Wick--but after he gets beaten by 17 guys to pulp.

Still, I hope my photo will be very useful for you.

Do you have pests at home?  

Try it.  

Print multiple copies and tape my photos on the floor, especially dark corners.

Cockroaches will vanish in 2 days.

My Exciting Covid Adventure

Why am I holding my wife’s “Little Twin Stars” Tub?

You’ll soon find out.

Today is Day 17 of my Covid Adventure.

Lots of ups.  Lots of downs.

I’ll share with you snippets of my conversations with God.

Day 1: I have slight fever and a little cough.

“Lord, this is a breeze.  You and I can handle this.  I’ll be well in no time!”

Day 2:  Diarrhea.  I had to sit on the little boy’s throne for 7x that day.

“Lord, this might not be a breeze, but I trust you.  Heal me, Lord.”

Day 3: Diarrhea gets better.  But fever goes higher.

“Thank you Lord!”

(As they say in K-Drama, “Fighting!”)

Day 4: Headaches start attacking me every 5 minutes.

“Lord, I trust you.  I will always trust you.”

Day 5: Diarrhea goes haywire.   

I practically lived in the bathroom.

My fever shoots to the moon. 

“Lord, I really don’t know what’s happening.  But I still trust you....”

Day 9: I want you to picture this scene.

Around 10pm, I crawled back to my bed. 

I just came from my umpteenth “toilet” visit for that day.

I felt I was a century-old squeezed dried-up prune.

An IV tube was attached to my arm.

I had a 41 degree fever raging in my body.

Plus the throbbing headache.  (I felt my skull was inflamed.)

As if all of that was not enough, all of a sudden, my stomach turned ballistic.

I wanted to puke whatever was left in my gut.

So there I found myself, lying on the floor, embracing my wife’s Little Twin Stars Tub, pouring all my guts and acids into it.  (At least, I was puking with style.)

Still embracing Lala and Kiki (yes, those are their names), wondering if this was how I was going to die, I said,  “Lord, I prefer I live a little longer so I can enjoy my two sons and my beautiful wife more.  But if you want me to go now, I surrender.  I give my life to you.  I’m leaving everything behind.  All that I own, even my family and friends... . I’m all yours.  I just want to do what you want me to do.”  

That’s when it hit me:  Everything I pursued, achieved, and owned--the glory of this world--will one day become like the puke in that tub. 

Yet something shifted when I said that prayer.

I found my spirit transport to this beautiful site called “Surrendered Place”.

It really is the best place in the universe.

My physical condition was still the same, my arms were still gripping the puke-filled tub, but my soul at peace.

Today is Day 17.

No more fever, headaches, diarrhea.

My oxygen level is normalizing steadily.

I’m slowly getting stronger.

But my heart?

It’s still basking in the “Surrendered Place”.

I don’t want to go anywhere else.

I love it here.

I’m detached,

I’m relaxed. 

Because I’m fully trusting in Him.

I pray you find this beautiful place too.

I have one more story I’ll share with.

I’ll reserve that for tomorrow.

PS. I’d like to thank our dedicated Doctor--and the Team of Doctors--who were caring for me during this entire ordeal.  May God reward you!

PSS. One last favor.  Please also pray for my “Prayer List”--friends I’m praying for who also have covid.

See you tomorrow.


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