Friday, April 09, 2021

Bò Sanchez covid19 journey.

 So many friends are sending their prayers and love, and I owe you an update: My family is almost covid symptoms-free today. 

I'm the only one who has Covid symptoms. 

That's when I realized that out of the total population of 13 in the household, I'm the oldest here, haha. 

Initially, my fever was only slight but as the days progressed, it reached a high 41 degrees. There are days when I feel very week, no smell, have intense headaches. 

And I go to the bathroom (sometimes) 20x a day, not to take a bath (I wish) but to witness the dropping of liquid bombs against the hapless villagers who live in the toilet bowl.

The first few days, I still could read, write, watch something from Netflix. But now, I feel so weak, I'm better off just doing nothing. (I made an excuse for this post.)

I'm praying for a lot of people who also have covid, their symptoms worse than mine. My heart goes out to their suffering.

This is my 10th day with Covid.

I know I'm not yet out of the woods. But I also know this too will pass. 

I don't know when. But I'm willing to wait.🙏

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