Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Bo Sanchez fight to covid19


Because it grows in scattered patches and in 100 directions, I look like a malnourished cactus in the desert.

I don't filter my photos, so if you're gagging, I apologize.  

I will just pray for the emotional trauma you may be experiencing right now. With adequate psychotherapy, you will get over this in about 3 years.

To all those who have been praying for my healing, I'm deeply grateful.  

To all my close friends who call up daily, send stuff, and love me forever--thank you.

To all those who sent me medical tips, advice, videos, etc., thank you too. I learned what to eat, drink, smell, and how to sleep, breathe, and fart. Kidding aside, most were great. I used some of your advice and was blessed.

To all those who actually sent "stuff"--like meds, vitamins, lots of food--My family says thank you.

My good news:  

This was yesterday's Photo. (Today, I don't look like a cactus.  I now look like Tony Stark.)  

Because the whole day yesterday, until the entire night, I needed an oxygen machine to breathe well. 

But this morning, I feel better and need less of it now.

Also, it appears my two-week-long fever is finally ending soon. 

 I still have, but very slight. (I'll let you know when it's finally over.)

My devoted Doctor--with the help of a lot of our friend Doctors--have been such special gifts from God.  May God reward you as only He can.

But most of all, I'd like to honor my gorgeous 24-Hour Nurse.

Her love for me makes me want to get well.

I love you, Sweets.  

I married the right girl.

My two boys who visit me, walk me to the backyard for some sun, and tell me stories--I love you guys.

To our house staff, who love me so much, thank you.

And yes, I'm getting better.

My heart still bleeds for dearest friends who have covid and are suffering so much more.  

If you pray for me, please pray for "Bo's Prayer List" as well.  

Thank you!  

I send my love to you as well!

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