Sunday, April 18, 2021

Healed with love.


For 21 days, this gorgeous girl had sleepless nights.

Because every time I slept, she watched over me like a hawk, listening if I was still breathing.

Every day, she fed me, bathed me, and loved me.

The insane thing was that she was also sick with Covid (she had fever).

But because the entire family was sick, she was caring for everyone whose symptoms were worse than hers.

A few days before I got sick, my youngest got sick first.

And she nursed him to back to health (he took only 3 days to get better).

But she’s been caring for me for 19 days already.

(That’s the difference between a 16-year old and a 54-year old body.

Like an old phone, it takes longer to recharge.)


Meds, supplements, water, food, sleeping postures, etcetera...

All that really helped.

But do you know what really healed me?

Sorry for being cheesy.

I really think it’s old-fashioned LOVE.

Every single  day, I felt the love of my best friend/nurse/lover.

My two boys loved me, visiting me, chatting with me.

Our little staff at home cared for me 24/7.

My doctor loved me.

He was monitoring me every day.

He visited me twice.

Even if he knew he was entering a house with 14 Covid patients.

My wife cried the first time he said he was going to see me.

Marowe told him, “Please don’t.  Think of your wife and kids, Doc!”

But his dear wife replied back, “That’s my husband’s duty!”

I’m loved by my doctor’s family.

And I’m loved by YOU.

You prayed for me.

You cared for me.

You reached out and messaged me.

I’m healed because of your love.

Why does love heal?

Because God is Love.

Is there anyone around you that needs love?


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