Saturday, May 15, 2021

Life is short live to the fullest.

 My Pandemic realization... 

1. Life is short!

2. Family is everything. Spend as much time as possible with them. 

3. We can lose our jobs anytime. Lucky are we who have jobs to sustain our needs. Can be stressful and draining at times but we must learn to manage and divert our energies on more important matters. 

4. We need to save money. Hard times indeed. No matter how big or small it's always nice to "keep a little bread in you pocket". 

5. Health is wealth. Be your own definition of healthy. 

6. The world is already full of negativity. No need to add up. Spread only good vibes and  positivity. 

7. No one is an expert on this kind of situation. Everyone is having a hard time and trying hard to cope up. Do good. Be good.

8. Last but not the least.. We need to have faith! 

Faith in God, faith in each other and faith in the goodness of mankind. 

Silly but a paranoid as myself loves watching those "end of the world theme of a movie"  wherein human put another human in danger to survive. I'd like to think that we are a better versions of those human in those movies. We can do better than that. We will survive this pandemic and we will tell stories  of good will to the next generations.

Keep safe everyone! 

God is good all the time!

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