Monday, May 03, 2021

STOP Hurry


Covid changed me in a radical way.

I love my simple life more.😁

How did I increase my daily joy?


I gave up my HABIT OF HURRY.

Ever since I can remember, I’m always rushing.

When I watch YouTube or listen to a Podcast, I set the speed at 1.5x or even 2x, so I can finish it at less time.

I also try to do two or three things at the same time.

I’m embarrassed to say this,  but I always brought my phone when I sit on the white throne.  

Ever since I got sick, I don’t do that anymore.

Please forgive me for being gross, and I hope you’re not eating as you read this; But when I do my Number Two now, I enjoy every physical sensation.

Ever since I removed distractions, I actually love “it”.

I know.  I’m insane.  But try it.

Speaking of eating, a long time ago, my little family already made a decision not to use our gadgets in the dining table.

But every once in a while,  I still make “exceptions” and  grabbed my phone  to answer an urgent text.

Ever since I got sick, I gave this up too.

Even when I’m eating alone, I refuse to touch my phone.

I made a commitment to enjoy every bite, chew slowly, and suck the joy out of every morsel.

It may be just a banana for breakfast, but I feel like a King.

When I’m talking with someone, I sometimes get tempted to look at my notifications.

This happens often when I’m in a zoom meeting.

After all, I’m just a little box among many boxes on the screen.

I’ve given up this habit too.

I’m now able to give my 100% love to the people I’m meeting online.

By the way, do you know that on average, people check their messages 150x to 900x a day?  This is insane.  

There’s a word for this: Addiction.


I embrace my PRESENT MOMENT.

Many people live in their past or future.

I’m one of those who “lives in the future.”

I took a Strengths Finder Test and my number one strength is “Futurist”.

I love dreaming about what is possible.

I love holding a vision in mind, and then turning that vision into reality.

That’s why I (with a ton of help from a ton of friends) pioneered ministries, publications, TV and Radio shows, gigantic events, and businesses.

But not too long ago, when I was lying in bed, and I could not even breathe well, I realized how every moment was precious.

And I was missing out because I was always planning, planning, planning.

God removed my blindness.

He showed me every single moment of life was overflowing with utter beauty.  

In my heart, He told me, “In your preoccupation to look for blessings you want to have, you failed to see the blessings that you already hold in my hands.”

Dear Friend, STOP HURRY.


God is here.  

God is now.

Enjoy Him.❤️

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