Saturday, June 26, 2021

No one cares.


The Yellows and Media are now starting their favorite game. Every story and statement about Pnoy's death is either aimed in making the current Administration look bad or painting the Yellows as the good guys.

But no one seems interested in knowing why and how Pnoy died. The man was suffering serious renal and diabetes problem. How come he was allowed to skip dialysis twice? How come there's no nurse or doctor attending him when his health status was very, very critical?

There was an interview of Pnoy's driver narrating what happened the night before up to the moment he was discovered dead on his chair. The story painted Pnoy's death as peaceful. But it ignored the fact that no health professional was present the very week Pnoy died.

Imagine yourself being a former President. You have several siblings and friends all super rich and powerful. You are very sick. Yet no one was there at your most critical moment of survival. No one cared to detail a nurse or doctor to look after you. No one checked if you were able to get the life-saving dialysis sessions. You died alone in your room. Sitting dead and cold on your chair all night. Only to be discovered the next morning by a maid, a driver and bodyguard. 

That was not a peaceful death. That was a tragic death for a rich and powerful former President. Thousands of flowers, songs of praises and eloquent eulogies on your tomb will not make up for the neglect.

Where were his families? Where were his best friends? Where were the nuns, the priests and bishops? Where were these people who showed him love and adorations in front of camera but were gone during his most vulnerable moments?

If only someone cared, Pnoy may still be breathing. Skipping two sessions of Dialysis is not an accident. No family member or health care professional would allow that to happen. No loving person would allow a very sick dear one in the hands of a maid, a driver and body guards.

And why did they cremate him immediately? Are they ashamed to let the world see how an uncared and abandoned dead Pnoy looked physically? Or was he dead along time ago as some speculated?

The narrative that Pnoy died peacefully raise more questions than answers. His driver was interviewed on how he died instead of the attending Doctor who pronounced him dead. National disunity was blamed to have cause the death instead of failure to administer necessary medical care to the critically ill patient. They just don't add up. Fishy, fishy...fishy!

If any, Pnoy's death was a clear evidence what kind of people sorround him: Shady and Cunning. All greedy, hypocrites and selfish. He died the most painful death: Alone, Unloved and Left to Die.

It now appears a dead Pnoy was more useful than alive for his gimmick-hungry volture friends. They badly need a new political milleage for the fast coming Presidential elections.

To the very end, Pnoy was a victim of his very own Liberal Party's standard of Public service: PURE LIP SERVICE.

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