Saturday, June 26, 2021


 Ngayon, hindi ka makakabili sa grocery kung wala kang QRCode. Sa time ng Anti-Christ hindi ka makakabili ng kahit anong kailangan mo at ng family mo kung wala kang TATAK na 666. What’s happening today are just shadows of things to come. The Bible says, the world will be under the control of the Anti-Christ thru New World Order, or One World Government. This will happen during the Great Tribulation Period. Your riches, wealth, fame, and religion will be useless during those days. But CHRIST JESUS is able to save and spare your life in this perilous times.


1. Hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ from a Bible based preacher or church.

2. Believe that God has forgiven you of your sins through Jesus Christ's death on the cross. And that He alone is your Savior and Lord.

3. Accept Jesus Christ into your heart, confess your sins to receive His forgiveness and the assurance of eternal life. (Romans 10: 8-10)

Go ahead and read it yourself. 😇

4. Repent (meaning, change the way you live) It's a personal metanoia (change of heart). You must have a changed attitude towards God/Jesus, and a changed attitude towards sin.

5. Remain and abide in Christ Jesus. Live for Him while waiting for the Rapture/His Second Coming, to take you to Himself. The blessed hope of all believers.

Remember: No good deeds is enough to save you. Kahit marami ka mang ginawang mabuting gawa/kawang-gawa hindi yun ang makapagliligtas sa buhay mo unless you have faith and personally accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. (Read Ephesians 2:8) 

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of good works, so that no one may boast."

▪︎Do it while the door of salvation is still open. Today is not yet too late but "tomorrow" might be. 🙏

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