Sunday, July 04, 2021

My Dad

 One year ago today my father passed away. These are the lessons he taught me. Everyday I try to live them. 


Pray w/o Ceasing...

Add Value to People...

Be Consistent...

Share my Faith...

Stay Focused...

Travel the High Road...

Encourage Others...

Put God First...

Work Hard...

Think Positive ...

Trust & Obey God...

Steward my Gifts...

Walk Slowly through the Crowd...

Live a Generous Life...

Give God the Credit...

Love People...

Read God’s Word...

Be Intentional...

See the Best in Others..

Maximize my Gifts...

Prioritize my Life...

Follow God 100%...

Not Give Up or In...

Do My Best...Always...

Pay Now-Play Later...

Express Gratitude to God

And Others...

Grow & Better Myself...

Remember Names...

Be Enthusiastic...

Note: My dad hasn’t left me…I know where he is:) Someday we will be together again!

Love JM

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