Thursday, July 22, 2021

Para sa Kabataan.


By Maria Lourdes Sereno 

June 12, 2021

I see a river whose waters lead to the city of God

They say it makes glad this city

Beloved of God, men and women

Who for some reason, some sad unfortunate reason

Forgot He who loved them first

These are the brave ones

Asking questions of beloved Pilipinas

Saan na tayo patungo?

Meron pa bang bukas

Kung sadlak sa hirap at dahas?

And yet they ask, for in their hearts

Hope springs

Not for them the sarcasm of the smart

Nor the tricks of the flattering tongue

But the sting of antiseptic truth

Hurt they must, in asking

Yet they will not flinch

For they must know what lies ahead

What went before

All these dread things

So gingerly they dip a toe or two

Not knowing whether this river

Tis of the mighty Jordan or some other

Generic raging waters that sweep away 

Men, memories and time

But these brave youth

Will not flinch for theirs is the future

Tis what they feel, tis what their heart tells them

To own, not hide from 

Whatever truth brings

Then plunge they a calf, half a calf

Till all their nakedness is plunged 

Into the river Jordan

Pain, ache, cold, shivers, wound

Washed away, washed away

Till what remains is the unseen

The life that counts for worth, that lasts

Not in the I, but in the we

Not in shame or guilt but in love

Washing over everything that seems wrong

The river is glad for it is made of blood

Of the purest form

Shed to make whole what was broken

To pick up shards of broken dreams

And create new prisms of light and beauty

It shouts forth joy and in its depth is peace

This river of boundless love

Offering once again itself

To make all life renewed

In Inang Pilipinas

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