Thursday, August 19, 2021



This is because, SUGAR is nutritionally NOT ESSENTIAL. 

SUGAR, when broken down, becomes GLUCOSE & fructose.

Fructose is only metabolized in the LIVER and can be toxic if taken regularly which adds to Insulin Resistance in the young.

GLUCOSE, coming from CARBOHYDRATES, is a POPULAR SOURCE of energy. However, it is NOT the only one. 

Yes, HUMANS, including children, adapted during evolution and acquired the capacity to burn NOT JUST GLUCOSE but also other forms of energy like KETONES from fats.

Aside from that, GLUCOSE don't need to come from sugary food. It can come from breakdown of GLYCOGEN, PROTEINS and even FATS (in the form of TRIGLYCERIDES) through the process of GLUCONEOGENESIS that is one of the basic functions of the liver.

Meaning, the body is capable of producing its own GLUCOSE even without eating any carbs.

And even you choose to get the glucose from Carbohydrates, it DOESN'T NEED TO COME FROM SWEETS or SIMPLE SUGARS. Complex carbohydrates like potatoes, pumpkins and beans are high in glucose from STARCH. It is better than sugar, but it can easily be OVEREATEN as well.

For those who would like to develop metabolic flexibility where humans, including children, can burn glucose and ketones easily depending on availability, a better group of carbohydrates can be taken which has low total net carbs, high in fiber and high in vitamins and nutrients content. These are non-starchy vegetables like cabbage, cruciferous and majority of green leafy vegetables.

100g of cabbage or lettuce will only have 3g of net carbs (or less than a teaspoon of glucose equivalent)


As compared to 100g of French Fries of potatoes with 32g net carbs (equivalent to 8 teaspoons of sugar) 

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Or milk chocolate bar containing 56g net carbs or 14 teaspoons of sugar.


REMEMBER that A CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE of allowable ADDED SUGAR should not be MORE THAN 6 TEASPOONS for children. 

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Now, how much SUGAR are we feeding our children again?


If you have a hard time counting the sugar, don't blame yourself. The SNACKS, CEREALS and DRINKS loaded with it are designed in a way so WE LOSE COUNT.

Just know that when your kid complains of allergies, childhood obesity, blurring of vision, toothache, rashes, frequent ear infections, difficulty concentrating or poor wound healing, it might be that their overall sugar intake is already too much.

If we commit staying healthy, our family will eventually become one too.

Stay Low Carb, stay SAFE.🥑



See previous post about River, a child with Type 1 Diabetes who is thriving despite no intake of those starch and sweets. 

And read previous post about how to compute for net carbs (video to follow) if you wish to start counting.

But if you wish to learn more and in a guided way, there is an ongoing program about it. Just send us a message. Alvin Chua Rojo  Angela Rojo for details.

Still undecided? Just join our FB Groups for food inspiration and support: 

🥑 Life Without Rice 


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