Sunday, September 26, 2021

Life is to be happy now.

 Life is filled with joy and hardship. This is a great truth, so make sure every day you spend time doing one thing that brings you joy and a smile to your face.😀

Today choose to do one thing that will bring you laughter and peace in your heart.

Don't wait until everything in your life is sorted out, and then you will relax and enjoy your day, no, find moments of fun and happiness now. Don’t wait for tomorrow.

My ex-husband Mickey, @michellemaros dad went to sleep on August 6, 2007 and did not wake up on August 7.

The reality and Truth that “no one is guaranteed tomorrow” is etched in my consciousness.

The way you live life is changed forever when you realize the ordinary moments of life are an extraordinary gift.💙

(The average life expectancy is 78 years, while the retirement age is 67. We work for 50 years to maybe enjoy 11. Start enjoying life now. No one is guaranteed tomorrow.-unknown)

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