Sunday, September 12, 2021

One dad

 One dad wrote: "My daughter had her first period on the bus today and a teenager who was a year older than her stops my daughter and says in her ear, look, there's a stain on your pants. Don't be surprised. Wrap my sweater around your waist and go home. Today I wanted to thank this child's mother for raising such a child. She did not record her, did not take photos or display her, did not tease or bully, but helped her "

When a child is brought up with love, tenderness, respect, solidarity, tolerance and with a spirit of service, then the world is more beautiful

A round of applause for those parents who instill moral, spiritual and civic values ​​in their children, but a double round of applause for the children who put them into practice. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’–

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