Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Why I Agreed to Run with Isko as his VP

 Why I Agreed to Run with Isko as his VP

By Doc Willie Ong (September 19, 2021)

Dear Friends,

First, I apologize if you are shocked by my decision. I also had a hard time believing at first.

For those who know me, my only goal in life is to help as many people as I can. When I was 17, our high school teacher asked us what our goal was in 25 years. I wrote that I wanted to help thousands of people, maybe even a million if I get lucky. So I became a doctor, an internist and a cardiologist. But I was not happy locked in a clinic seeing only a handful of patients, while many poor Filipinos suffer. I knew there were more lives I could save.

For 28 years now, my wife Dra Liza and I have been doing charity work. And through Facebook and YouTube, we have been giving free medical advice online. In my charity work, we visited the slum areas and this changed me. The poor’s makeshift houses are hot, oppressive, with a prevailing hopelessness. With this heartache, I saw many ways we can improve the health sector in our country. And I saw the need for a doctor in government. That is why I ran in 2019 for the Senate with little money or backing. Despite being labeled as a nuisance by some, I just bore the humiliation and continued on. My goal is to help the poor and sick, no matter what it takes.

After faring well but losing in 2019 (I ranked #18 despite a budget of only Php 581,000), I went back to charity work as if nothing happened. There were more lives to save. No complaints, no regrets. So in these past 3 years, we have helped as much as we can in private. I was 99% sure that I would not run, because I grew tired of politics. Fast forward to August 2021, I was all set to push through with more charity work, online teaching and giving inspiration in a private capacity. Seeing Covid ravage our land, seeing depressed viber posts, my faith wavered because I could not see any light at the end of the tunnel. 

At the same time, I was also focused on my Mom who had a stroke two months back and was admitted in the hospital for severe pneumonia. I could still hear her say, “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe” and we could not do anything. 

Then, out of the blue, I got a call from Lito Banayo, saying Mayor Isko wants me for his Senate slate. I was tired. I have said “no” probably 10 times already to different kind and well-meaning politicians. And I was sure I will say “no” to him.

When I met Mayor Isko, I was brutally honest as always. I laid all my cards explaining why I am declining his kind offer. I don’t want a troubled life. I have done my part. I have sacrificed as much as I can. But Mayor Isko was persistent. More than 2 hours passed and I was the one to ask for a time out. 

I said I was helping a lot already. Isko said it was not enough. I said I wanted to show the public that despite good survey ratings, I refused to run. Isko blurted it was my pride talking. I said I only wanted to help the poor outside, pointing at the Mayor’s window. And this is where Isko animatedly stood up and said, “Okay, if this is what you want, to help the poor. If you join my ticket, I will put you in the Senate Committee of Health and I, as President, will back you up 100%.” Still, I begged off. He’s still a politician, right?

As we parted, Isko said, “Even if you don’t join my ticket, I will still seek your help if I become President.” Hmmm…

I was disturbed in the next few days. Isko said he works so well with a doctor by his side like vice mayor and doctor Honey Lacuna. That is why he bought Remdesivir and Tocilizumab. Isko showed me the new hospitals he built. The free CT-Scans, portable X-rays and dialysis centers.


Two days before my mom passed, Lito Banayo calls again, that was September 9. He said that Isko has changed his mind after talking to me. Isko now wants me to be his Vice President. And since Covid will be here till 2024 and more pandemics may be coming, Isko wants me by his side to tide the country through the pandemic. 

Is he serious? I had zero ratings as VP. I could hear the bashers typing.  I had sleepless nights, tumbling and troubled. My mom was near the end already. And on the day she passed, I had decided. There will be no political negotiations, no requests on my part should I accept this.

As my mom was to be buried, Lito called again. And he was trying to convince me again with statistics and numbers. I said, let’s not talk about numbers for I have decided already. Lito paused uncomfortably. 

“Yes, I agree to be Isko’s Vice President. But I will do it my way. I will not bash anyone. I will not follow any script. I am ready to sacrifice... Use me as you will…” 

And this is where I broke down crying. In a haze, I could hear Lito’s voice cracking too.

I said, “Our country needs hope and healing. Millions of lives are waiting. Let’s do this.”

So what made me join Isko and trust him? He was the one who gave me the green light to help manage our country’s health problems. Together, he said we will help millions like what I dreamed. He has done it in Manila with a doctor as his partner. 

But even with all these, I am not naïve. Some people change when they win. 

But my gut feeling… and my fervent prayer is that God protects him and protects our people.


If Isko wins, I have promised to devote the next 6 years to doing what I can inside his government. I am afraid, but I will try my best. There will be ups and downs with Covid for sure. But all decisions will be borne from a pure heart and a pure love for our people.

A few months back, I thought God has forgotten our country. 

With Isko, I cling to the hope that God has a plan for us. He will wipe away every tear. And there will be tears of happiness in the future.

With these, I remain. 

- Doc Willie

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